Part 2

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Word Count: 1794

Part Warnings: Arguments, Smut (p in v, make up sex.), Angst, Death.


The morning after Harlan's birthday, he was found dead. Less than a week after he died, the funeral was held. All morning I had been trying to get Ransom to attend. Despite some of the differences they may have had, Harlan and Ransom were close. Harlan had even told me a few times that he saw himself in Ransom.

As it was time to leave for the funeral, I noticed that Ransom was still in bed. He had been snapping at me all morning, insisting that I go ahead and attend without him. However, I wanted to stay with him. He hadn't been coping too well since Harlan died and I didn't think that he should be on his own. I went upstairs for one final attempt to get him to go.

"Ransom, last chance, I am about to leave are you sure you want to stay on your own?" I asked him softly. I crouched down by his side of the bed, softly raking my fingers through his ungroomed hair.

"For the last time will you fucking leave me alone. I am fine. You are not my keeper; I am a grown man." He now sat up and looked me directly in the eye. It was a familiar look; one I had never seen directed at me. "Look Charlotte, I don't fucking care if you go to the funeral. I don't fucking care if you skip. I just don't fucking care so just do me a favor and piss off."

I felt my eyes fill with tears. Never once in the ten years I had known him had be spoken to me like that. I noticed his face start to soften as he looked at my tears, but I just sucked in a breath and left him alone under the covers of our bed. As I walked down the stairs I heard a sigh and a small 'wait' come from him. I wasn't in the mood for this. Ever since Harlan died, I had been trying to help Ransom by giving him space and being a shoulder for him to cry on. Especially after I found out the manner in which Harlan died.


When I woke up the morning after Harlan's birthday I realised what Harlan had actually done. He had cut everyone out of the will. I wasn't too upset for myself because one, I earned my own money and personally hadn't relied on Harlan for anything and two, I knew deep down that they all deserved it. Even Ransom. However, I did feel for him, he could be selfish, arrogant and a pig, but he was still my husband and the idea that his entire lifestyle would have to change tugged on my heartstrings a bit.

I noticed that Ransom wasn't in bed with me and that his side of the bed was made but was still slightly warm. I got u and got ready for the day before walking down the stairs where I found Ransom. He was sitting in the living room with an unreadable expression on his face. One I had never seen before.

"Ran, what's wrong?" I asked softly as made my way over to him, not wanting to make him jump. He barely acknowledged me and for a moment I thought that he hadn't heard me until he finally lifted his head towards my direction.

"It's Harlan. He um... passed away last night." He mumbled. Again, not much emotion in his voice apart from shock.


"Apparently Fran found him this morning. Slit his throat in his study." I couldn't help the gasp as he spoke.

I sat down next to him and took his hand in hers. He barely reacted as he turned his head away again. I just sat with him in silence as I tried to process the news myself.

*Flashback over*

I walked out of the house and to my car. Taking a deep breath to prevent anymore tears, I started to drive to Harlan's before the funeral. I knew that Ransom didn't mean anything he said. He was grieving. However, so was I. I had known Harlan for years because of Ransom. Being a doctor, specialising in Harlan aside, I have knowledge of basic medicine and was able to advice Marta in Harlan's care when needed.

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