Chapter 2

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Diana POV

It's been a week since I got trapped in an elevator with the most handsome man I've ever laid eyes on.

Safe to say my fear of elevators has increased.

But unfortunately, I have to just suck it up.

I practically run out of the elevator once the door opens, before walking over to my desk.

"Diana! Nice of you to finally show up" Larry says to me as he walks over to my desk. I hear a few snickers from my colleagues, but I ignore them and shoot Larry a confused look.

"My shift doesn't start for another..." I check my watch. "seven minutes?" I tell him once he reaches my desk.

"Well, Derek has been here since eight" Larry tells me.

"...Because his shift started at eight.." I tell him, and he sighs.

"Well maybe you need to step up and come in an hour early for the good of the company" Larry tells me, and I scoff.

"I think the company will be just fine without me" I mumble as I turn on my computer. "I'm serious Diana. I need you to start pulling your weight" He tells me, and I take a deep breath to calm myself before I say something that'll get me fired.

"Listen Larry, my shift starts at nine. So I'm going to show up, at nine. I won't come in an hour earlier, because I'm not required to. And don't tell me to 'pull my weight', because I do, a lot more than the rest of you" I mutter, as calmly as I can.

"You also gain weight a lot more than the rest of us" I hear someone joke, and everyone snickers while I look around to see who made the joke.

"Take a deep breath, Diana. There's no need to get upset. I just want what's best for the company" Larry sighs, and I bite my tongue.

"Think about my advice, okay?" He smiles, before walking away from my desk, but he stops when he's a few meters away.

"Oh, and where's my coffee?" He asks, and I glare at him.

"What coffee?" I mutter, and he sighs. "My morning coffee? Come on Diana, you know I need some caffeine in the mornings to get me through the day" Larry tells me as he puts his hand on his hips.

"Why don't you get Derek to do it? He's 'been here since eight' " I scowl.

"Derek's very busy" Larry tells me, and I scoff.

"Derek is watching porn," I tell him. Larry looks over at Derek's screen, before shooting him a disapproving look.

"What Derek does is none of your concern Diana" Larry sighs, and I stare at him in disbelief. "I have the same work to do as the rest of you you know?" I tell him, and I hear Derek snort.

I shoot him a glare, and he smirks.

"Diana, just have my coffee on my desk in five and I'll forget about this whole incident," Larry tells me before walking off to his office.

I take a deep breath and remind myself how much money I get paid weekly, before standing up. "Get me one too!" Someone shouts.

"And me!" Another person shouts.

"And me too. And remember, latte with two brown sugars and one squirt of vanilla. Last time you forgot the vanilla" Derek tells me, and my hands bawl into fists by my side.

"Get it yourself," I tell him.

"Diana, being kind never hurt anyone" Larry shouts from his office and I sigh.

"I need you to grab something from the photocopier for me!" Jacob shouts, and I roll my eyes. "Oh and if they have any croissants, grab a whole box of them. The Human resources department always steals them. Fat fuckers" Derek mutters, and everyone agrees with him.

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