chapter one-my obsession

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"Today we learning about ancient Rome, now who knows how the great empire fell " the teacher reads from the book, I raise my hand "Rome fell in a day they were brought down by barbarians" I smile sarcastically ,the teacher grins at me "very good miss jessica" he turns on his heel and starts a dressing the rest of the class.

Since I'm going to be here for a while let me introduce myself, I am Jessica dillion 17 years of age I have light blue hair and light green eyes.

I've lived in my homey town of Heather-Roth fields there is a population of 400 people we have a tourist road going straight through us so we get a lot of folks here.

My school has a total of 164 students and I get bullied by my whole grade.

And do you want to know why I get bullied every single day, spitballs in my hair homework stolen and wreaked with words streaked across them ,my locker every afternoon has to be painted over because of "slut,hoe,go die" spattered all over it. .
All because I'm have those curves every girl would die for.

. . . . . .

I snap out of my day dream as the bell goes ,I race out of the room to get away from the laughter. today I am wearing tights and a beige sweater and my one strap shoulder bag a light blue colour, but what makes it unique is the rose petal art I drew on it .

Suddenly I crash into someone starring at my bag "holy crap I'm so sorry are you okay" I ask He holds his head "yeah I'm fine" I place my hand on his back "I'm so clumsy" he laughs "no it was my fault I was stareing at your bag " he looks up and I see his eyes "I've never seen two eyes that have such a strong colour" I stare at his blue and flecks of brown eyes "I've never seen someone so beautiful" I instantly blush and run into the crowd of students running to the next class.

Shit,shit no this isn't good I put my earphones in noone has ever said that he must be new, just wait He will hear the shit at lunch soon.

I glance at the clock about 30 minutes till bell, the teacher is just sitting down half asleep.

I hate miss cait she doesn't care about our learning at all. But if i said that I would be called crazy you know.

I sit there silently listening to my music tapping my foot to the beat .

30 minutes pass--

I pack up my stuff as the bell goes, zeke and his friends approach me "Jessica ,how are you" he asks me while blocking me off the teacher is gone "fuck off zeke" I say with a smile .he grabs my hair and pushes me against the wall, he breathes on my neck "listen here you bitch, I get what I want and right now I want you" he growls and shoves me one last time "when I don't get what I want, what I want will get hurt, understand me" he says viciously spitting on my skin "DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME" he barks in my face "yes" I whimper out "I understand that your a total dick" his face goes red and walk up to me still against the wall and slaps me "have it your way, slut" he walks away with his friends tailing him.

I grab my things quickly and run out if the room, the halls are empty every one is most likely having lunch, once I get to my locker I start crying,how is this fair every single God damm day this is what I go though.

"Hey are you okay" I look up and see the boy I bumped into today with the bright coloured eyes "oh it's you,why are you crying" I smile "it's n-nothing just some stupid boys" I say trying to act like it was nothing what could he do anyway "What did they say " he now stands in front of me "ha what didn't they say" I feel the tears run down my face "he wants me to have sex with him and I told to fuck off now he is gonna make my life worse than what it all ready is" I slide down the locker and sit down sobbing my heart out I feel him sit down next to me "what's your name" he asked me, well he never really knew "I'm Jessica" I say with a smile "I'm Jordan nice to meet you" he shakes my hand

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