chapter 11-I love you

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Jessica's pov

"Jordan" I gasp taking a deep breathe.

all the memories come flooding back and tears fill my eyes "your back" I sob.

he walks over to me and he smiles "I could never leave you,after everything".

saying the only thing that comes to mind I sigh "I love you too"I say against his chest and I feel his chest chuckle "I love you" He whispers in my ear.

we sit down and he tells me everything that happened.

I am shocked "so it all was a test to see if you could actually take care of me" I say "yes, your dad went through the same thing, I did the best in over ten years " I sigh "I don't care as long as your back here with me " He hugs me.

we just stand there holding each other "I'm never letting go again" He says to me.

we stay up the whole night just talking and saying how much we know.


one weeks later----


the bell sounds signaling the third period which is my free one, me and Jordan leave our table ,going to the library.

Julie walks up to me while Jordan walks over to the front desk to ask about the science books we need "hey sorry I haven't been here lately,I've been. . . busy" she sighs and smiles to me I invite her to sit but she denies me "yeah how has school been so far " she asks me "it's been good I've had my boyfriend Jordan with me the whole-" on cue he shows up and she goes white "what's wrong" I ask He also goes white, he coughs awkwardly "t-this is my ex Julian or julie" she starts to walks away but I chase after her "wait Julie, I still want to be friends" I yell out to her, she turns around stopping in her tracks"NO" she yells "HE BROKE MY HEART . . .a-and I still love him. . .I-i'm sorry" she walks off leaving me gob-smacked with my mouth hanging open .

all i can think is "oh" I walk off and sit back down with Jordan.

he shrugs his shoulders "I don't remember a lot from my past " I sigh not in the mood for our first fight I'll bring it up later .

"come on let's go home" I say flood him with my disappointment. he also sighs but then follows me out of the library.


on the drive back we sit in silence, why are we fighting so soon ,this hurts the most the quiet between us. it's burns

"what did you expect me to do" he snaps, I growl back "told her sorry I don't know. you should of told me about her ,we would have avoided this whole thing" he holds the wheels and his fists go white "I forgot about her didn't you hear her, she may still love me but I never loved her" he snaps.

I stare in shock "is that what's going to happen to me is it" I snarl as the traffic lights go red, I jump out of the car and run around the corner.

only then realising how dark it is and u forgot my phone, I pull my jacket tighter over my body to keep me warm and I run a few more blocks to get away from him.

how could he just say that right in front of me, is he gonna do that to me, why would she feel that way if. . .if. .he didn't feel the same at some point.

What if he's been lieing to me this whole time.

I shake my head no, he wouldn't have gone through all this shit with my dad if he didn't love me, he said it in front of him.

maybe I should go back and apologise. . . my thoughts are hauled as I walk apon a group of men in the alley. "well,well,well.look who it is miss what's your name again" I recognize them instantly, my eyes go wipe and I suddenly lose my voice "James..." he was one of zeke's close friends he was supposed to go to jail with him as far as I know he got out on good behavior .

"yes sweet Jessica...I got out, you have no idea what zeke is waiting for" he laughs viciously.

I turn and run, I just run. . .

I take too many sharp turns and fall face first into a bin "jess" Jordan calls standing in front of me "jordan" I start sobbing I climb to my feet and hug him "he's coming back Jordan I'm sorry I didn't mean it, I know you love me" I whimper.

"no he won't ever touch you again, I promise baby, I promise" he holds me "I'm sorry too, I should have told you" he sighs "let's go back" we walk to his car which is parked in a odd angle not to far from when I ran off.

we get in the car and drive back to my place where my bed is waiting, and I now realise how tired I really am, I feel my eye lids slowly close ,as I drift off


"wake up bitch" zeke says to me


my eyes snap open and my chest is rising up and down, I'm in my room with Jordan he is starring at me eyes dilated "babe are you okay. you were screaming" he asks "I'm fine, just a nightmare" I sigh and laid back down with him.

"wait how am I changed and in bed" he fake snores, I sigh and close my eyes hoping for some sleep.


sorry guys this took ages I had a writer's block it's been killing me argh

okay so I hope you like it

And I feel bad they just had their first fight but she got over it teal quick haha okay love you guys your guys make my day sometimes when you vote and comment.

so yeah don't forget to



oh and please tell me about any ideas you might have thanks

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