5. Cliche'

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The afternoon date with Eden had been amazing. Leaning onto the railing, I didn't even think twice about slipping my arm around her waist. It felt so natural. I never imagined she would be so excited to see the whale, but her reaction was everything. Which was why I couldn't fight it anymore and had to kiss her.

Is it too cliche' to say that kissing her felt like magic? I guess I'm a cliche' because it did. Everything with Eden just felt right. I found myself needing to touch her at all times, just a simple touch. These feelings were new to me and completely unexpected. I'd never felt such a need to feel someone, to have them close to me.

We walked along the pier for a little longer, holding hands and just chatting about the pier and activities. Before I knew it, I had promised to bring her back again. Eden and I walked hand in hand back to my car, where I opened the door for her and held it until she was in. I rushed around to get to my seat and started the engine. We had decided to meet for lunch today because Eden had some plans with Brynn for the evening. I hated to let her go but knew I needed to get my head together and figure out how to explain the first-date situation. I was starting to feel too deep to continue keeping that from her.

"Thank you for such a nice afternoon." She gushed as we rode along.

"The pleasure was all mine. Thank you for joining me. Do you have plans tomorrow?" I blurted out.

"Nope. I had some work stuff I planned to take care of it, but just a lazy Sunday." She shrugged.

"Good. Now you have plans. I'd like to spend the day together if that's alright with you?" Eden was quiet for a moment, but as we pulled in front of her apartment building, she responded.

"I think that would be more than alright."

I leaned across the console and gave her lips a quick peck. I took my time walking around to open her door and walk her to the apartment.

"You didn't have to walk me up, but thank you. You're such a gentleman." She teased.

"A single Mom and two little sisters, I think it was bred into me." I shrugged before leaning down and wrapping her into me. I kissed the top of her head before backing away. "Have fun with Brynn; maybe text me later?" I felt like such a lovesick fool. Two weeks ago, I just felt compelled to do a nice thing and now look at me.

"Thank you, and yes, I'll definitely text you later."


"Bennett? What're you doing?" I called out as I entered the apartment. I was stressing over talking to Eden about the whole date switch-up. I hoped my best friend would have some words of wisdom, or at the very least, I could test the waters when I explained the whole situation to him.

"Kicking ass in Fifa." He laughed from his room. I stood in the doorway as I watched him sitting in front of the TV, video game controller in hand. He turned to look at me, then put his controller down. "What's your deal?"

"I kind of have a situation."

"Oh fuck, you got a chick pregnant?" He moaned.

"What?! No. Jesus." I stepped out of the doorway and flopped back on his bed. "I love that you think I'm out just screwing girls left and right."

"I know you've got some chick. You've been practically singing love songs walking around the house the last two weeks. Hugh noticed it too." He turned back, finishing the last of his game.

"I'm sort of seeing someone. It's really new." I sat up, waiting for his questioning.

"Ok, so is she married? Has a kid? What's the situation?" Bennett grabbed his drink off the table and turned to prop his feet on the bed, waiting and watching for my response.

"Do you remember the blind date that Nick was supposed to go on but didn't?" He nodded, giving me a strange look. "Well, I couldn't stand the thought of him standing up some poor girl. It just bugged me. So, instead of going out with the rest of you, I went to his blind date." I watched for a reaction to see if he thought I was crazy, stupid, or, more than likely, both.

"So this girl, she's the girl from the blind date?"


"I still don't understand the situation."

"She thinks I'm Nick. Well, not Nick in name; she didn't know his name. But she thinks I'm the architect working on the stadium. That I'm the guy, who was supposed to be there." I realized saying it out loud how ridiculous the whole thing truly was.

"Why haven't you told her?"

"Well, I just went there to keep her from being stood up. I had no intention of actually going on the date, but she's awesome, and I couldn't keep myself away. Then I started texting her; every day, we've talked. This afternoon I took her to the pier, and fuck, we kissed. She's gorgeous, funny, and so sweet. I didn't expect this at all." I rambled out, barely taking a breath.

"And now you're scared she's gonna be pissed?" Bennett stated with a questioning tone. I nodded, looking over at my friend. His black hair was sticking up in every direction. He sat in his athletic shorts, clearly lazing about for the day. "Why would she be pissed, though? I mean, it seems like it worked out."

"It started with a lie. That's not a good thing, regardless of where we are now." I ran my hand through my hair, standing up to pace about. "She thinks I'm the architect working on the stadium!" I continued to rant.

"Dude, the season starts in like a month! I think it'll be pretty obvious you're not the architect when you take the field. Have you lied to her about anything else?" Bennett watched me, fully invested in this trainwreck.

"No, just that little detail. I'm continuing to lie to her, though by omission. Fuck. I meet this incredible woman, and it's going to crash and burn."

"One, you've got it bad. Two, you don't know that. Plan a date to sit and talk to her, explain it all. You really did her a favor; she would have either been stood up or forced to deal with Nick for an evening." He laughed. "Call her now; go see her and explain it." He suggested.

"Somehow, I'm not sure she'll see it that way." I huffed. "I'm seeing her tomorrow. I'll tell her then. I have to. I like her too much to fuck this up."

"If she can't tell you're a lovesick puppy over her, then she's blind." Bennett laughed. "It'll work out, but ya gotta tell her now. Rip the bandaid off, man."

"I know. Tomorrow." I grumbled, easing back down onto the bed.

"This stuff, this is why I stay away from any kind of relationship. You're so wound up. Just meet a chick in a bar, have some fun, then see ya later. No expectations and no feelings. Works perfectly." Bennett grinned like the Cheshire cat. He was so full of shit. I rolled my eyes as I laid back on the bed again.

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