20. Why?

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"I just . . I just need to leave." I blurted out. I wasn't sure how to explain to Nick the whole situation. Had he known? Was he part of whatever this messed-up situation was?

"Come on; my car is just out here." He held my arm gently as I followed along. "I can take you home, but only if you tell me what's going on." Nick offered, starting the engine with the quick push of a button. I rattled off my address before taking a deep breath, swallowing the tears that desperately wanted to pour out. As he listened, I rambled out the short version of the confusion with Reed.

"Wait, a blind date at brew?" Nick asked incredulously.

"Yes. What? Why?" I turned, facing him as we rode along. The stadium was a good forty-five minutes from my apartment.

"Oh, man." He rubbed his hand over his rounded jaw. "I was... Wow. I don't want to upset you more, but Tate asked me if I was interested in a blind date set up. I'm the architect for the stadium you were supposed to meet at Brew."

I massaged my temples, feeling more confused than ever. "Are you serious? I mean. . Why weren't you there then? How did Reed end up there?" I demanded to know, my tone of voice indicating my level of irritation.

"I couldn't make it. I mentioned it to the guys that afternoon; Reed was there. It was at his apartment. I had to go to a meeting; I tried to reach out to Tate because I didn't have your information, but ... I think Reed just stole the date."

I stared out the window as we finished the drive. I attempted to process all of the new information I had learned in the last few hours. I went on a blind date only to have someone else show up instead, and he lied about it, never once telling me who he really was. Not that it mattered what he did, but the lying. Why did he come on the date, and why did he not admit the truth right away?

"We're here," Nick spoke softly.

"Yes, well." I unbuckled my seatbelt. "Thank you so much for bringing me home." I thanked him before climbing out. As I walked around, I saw Nick quickly exiting the vehicle also.

"Let me walk you up."

"No, It's fine. I'm good."

"For what it's worth, I'm sorry, Eden. I feel like I'm to blame for all of this. If I had skipped that meeting...."

"No, it's not your fault." I held up my hand, stopping him from going any further.

"I think I made a big mistake missing that date." He spoke softly, stepping toward me. The look in his eyes was a bit alarming; he really thought now was a good time to make a move on me?

"Thank you again. I really appreciate it. I need to go." I took a few steps back from him, gave him a weak smile, and headed up.

Once I closed the door, I leaned against it, letting out the breath I felt I had been holding since I saw Reed take that field. That fucking field! Reed Sawyer. Why had he done this? Why let me fall for him and not tell me? I slid down, sitting on the floor, allowing the sobs to come. I couldn't wait to see his face and smile in person. Now, this. I was so confused. Was any of this real?

I forced myself to get up, dumping my things on the table before going to my room. I pulled my phone out, flopping over onto my bed. I checked it to see. No calls, no messages. He was playing a soccer game; he couldn't text right now, stupid woman. I growled out loud, then groaned as I began to cry again.

"Eden?" I heard Brynn call out. Of course, she followed me home. I cried harder, thinking of how lucky I was to have a friend like her. "Oh, Eden." She cried out as she came into the room, crawling up onto the bed next to me. "Are you ok?"

So Much More (Book One in the Enough Series)Where stories live. Discover now