15. Fucked Up

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I left Eden to finish getting ready for work. I offered to drive her, but she didn't want to burden me with having to pick her up later. She was a stubborn one, that was for sure. The time with her this morning had been fantastic and definitely not at all what I expected when I headed over. Sitting and talking with her, just holding her in my arms, was better than anything I could have hoped for to start my day. Eden giving me the best blow job I've ever had wasn't even on my radar. Just thinking about her on her knees, her lips wrapped around me, the sexiest thing I'd ever seen. Then when we showered together, my God. She was heaven. I had a literal taste of Eden Gray and was dying for more already.

As I walked toward my apartment, a sudden feeling of bile rose in my throat. The smile that had been plastered on my face was quickly erased, and my mood shifted. I hadn't fucking told her! Goddamnit!! I twirled around, fighting the urge to punch the wall behind me. I was so caught up in seeing her that it hadn't even crossed my mind. How sick was I? I was no better than Nick at this point. I let my dick think for me, and now, I'd most likely screwed up any chance of a future with Eden. A small lie was rolling each day into a big ball of a mess, and here I was just making it worse.

"Where have you been?" Bennett asked as I walked through the door, slamming it behind me. "Uh oh." He stood there, holding a bowl of what I assumed to be his breakfast. His appearance told me he had just gotten out of bed.

"Are those girls still here?" I grumbled.

"No, Hugh just left with them; he's taking them home. What's up with you?" Bennett explained in his sleepy voice.

"I fucked up. I fucked up so big; she'll never forgive me. I just ruined any future I could have with Eden." I slumped down onto the sofa, fighting off tears. Fucking tears! I couldn't remember the last time I had cried, and here I was about to do it because I was a horny goat who couldn't think straight.

"Oh shit." Bennett sat his bowl down, then came over, sitting across from me on the coffee table. "What'd you do? Did you tell her?"

"No. I told you, I fucked up. I went over there and got so distracted by how fucking beautiful she is, how kind she is, and next thing I know, we're fooling around, and I never told her." I was pulling the hair on my head in frustration as I watched Bennett's face contort into that of disgust. I knew it had to be bad if he was reacting this way.

"Yeahhhhh." He leaned back, scratching his head. "Why did you leave without telling her? Okay, so you got distracted, but before you left, why not just blurt it out?" He stood up and returned to his food, shoveling it into his mouth.

"I wasn't fucking thinking about that. I was in the moment. I was apologizing for drunk calling her last night, and then we got caught up talking about various things, and it just happened."

"You had sex?!" He blurted, a mouth full of cereal and milk dribbling out of the corner of his mouth.

"No! Jesus! No, just fooled around. Fuck, this is so bad."

"Okay, call her. Right now, call her and tell her you need to see her, and the second you see her, just say it."

"She's at work." I groaned, laying my head back on the couch, closing my eyes as I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Okay, text her then. Tell her you want to see her when she gets done at work, then like I said, the second you see her, just blurt it out, be done with it."

"She's going to hate me, isn't she?" I whispered.

"Dude, if I understood females, I'd be a gazillionaire."

"That's not even a thing." Then, rolling my eyes, I stood, heading to the kitchen for a drink.

"You get the point, though, right? Now, c'mon. Where's your phone?" He placed his empty bowl into the sink and held his hand out. I nodded in the direction of the couch where I had left it. I downed half a bottle of water while he was retrieving it.

"You have the worst luck." He laughed, holding the phone out to me. "Your Mom is calling."

My Mom never called me; she always texts first. She was paranoid she was going to interrupt practice or something. I assured her repeatedly that I didn't take my phone onto the field with me, but no amount of reassurance changed anything. So finally, I grabbed the phone out of his hand and answered it.

"Mom?" I walked toward my room, closing the door behind me.

"I'm sorry, Reed, I hope I'm not...."

"It's fine; what's going on?"

"Um, well. Your Father, he's... your Step-Mother called, and your Father has had a heart attack."

I slowly sat down on the bed. Could this day get any worse?

"Is he dead?" I blurted out.

"Reed Allen Sawyer!!" She chastised. "No, he's critical, though. I thought you should know; you might want to come home; come see him while you can." She spoke the last part softly as if that would ease the hurt.

"So he's going to die?" I laid back, staring up at the ceiling.

"Reed, I know you two haven't had a good relationship for a while. He's still your Father, though. He's had issues with his heart for a while, so this isn't good at all. But, the fact that he's alive after suffering an actual heart attack is a miracle. They need to do surgery, but he's not stable enough right now." She explained.

"What about Amy and Lizzie?" I asked about my sisters; they were closer to my Father. They spent weekends and some holidays with him and his new wife.

"They're upset, of course. They are worried about him, worried about you, and they're scared. They've both asked to go to the hospital and see him, so I guess I'll take them up there in the morning. Or if you are able to get a flight out, we'll wait and go together." She just had to add.

"I'll see what's available."

"Already done; you need to be at the airport in two hours." Mom blurted out.


"I know you, son. I know your heart. You love your Father, you miss him, and I knew you'd come to be here for him, your sisters, and yourself. So I emailed you all the info and ticket information."

"I've got to talk to the managers and Coach."

"Do what you need to do; I'll see you at the airport."

I ended the call, running a hand down my face. A day that started so amazing was ending like utter shit, and the pain in my gut told me it was only going to get worse.

So Much More (Book One in the Enough Series)Where stories live. Discover now