47. Home

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I can safely say that I played the absolute worst game of my soccer career in Nashville. After hearing the news about Lizzie, I couldn't think about anything else. We took a loss, and it only added to my poor mood. Coach wasn't too happy with me, and the media enjoyed pointing out every little mistake. So my attitude was terrible as we road along to the airport.

"Are you going straight to your parents once we arrive?" Bennett asked as our flight began to take off.

"Yea, of course."

"I'll let you guys have tonight, then pop by tomorrow."

I nodded, leaning my head back in an attempt to relax before landing.


I texted my Mom, letting her know the second we arrived at the hotel. While the other guys headed to their room, I waited in the lobby. I planned to Uber out to the house, but as usual, Mom refused. My leg bounced as my nerves and exhaustion took over, worrying for my sister and how to be there for my family.

I made the mistake of watching some game highlights and reading sports news. My frustration with myself and my performance was worse than anything they could say about me, but it still didn't help. I got caught up in watching a video clip and didn't notice that someone had walked up to me. I felt arms wrap around me, and when I looked, it was Lizzie. She had the biggest smile on her face, giggling as she tackled me with a hug.

"What are you doing here?" I cried out, standing up, holding her up with me. Just as I did, I saw Eden standing back with a smile on her face as well.

"To pick you up, silly." She laughed.

I placed her back on the ground, giving her a quick kiss on the forehead before turning to Eden. I motioned for her to come to us, as she had been giving us space, but all I wanted was to wrap her in my arms as well.

"Hey." She smiled. "I know it's past bedtime, but I thought we'd have a late-night adventure, and selfishly, I wanted to be one of the first to see you." Eden leaned up, wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling me down for a soft kiss. Lizzie's giggles kept it from becoming anything more than that.

"Let's head home," I spoke, grabbing my bag and walking with the girls toward the exit. Eden slipped her hand into my left, and Lizzie took my right.

Lizzie fell asleep shortly into the forty-five-minute drive. It was well after midnight, so I knew she wouldn't be able to hang out much longer. Eden had borrowed Mom's car to pick me up, and even though I offered, she refused to let me drive back. I was pretty thankful for that, feeling exhausted.

"It seems my whole family has fallen in love with you," I spoke softly.

"Is that so?" She glanced over at me. "The feeling is pretty mutual. They're all amazing, especially that little stinker back there."

"Yeah? Mom said you came at the perfect time."

"I've had fun getting to know everyone and laughing with the girls. But, of course, mostly Lizzie. Amy is just at that age where she wants to do her own thing. "

"How's she handling everything?" I asked, afraid of the answer, afraid to speak the words out loud.

"She's a trooper. So brave. Lizzie will be fine, Reed. I just know it." She reached over, grabbing my hand and squeezing.

"Yes, she will. Whatever she needs, I'll do it."

Once we reached the house, I had nearly fallen asleep. It's funny how you're so groggy, but once the vehicle stops, you're wide awake. Eden carried my bag while I moved Lizzie into the house. I got her upstairs into her room and quietly tucked her into bed. I slipped out and headed back down the stairs to get my bag, but I saw neither the bag nor Eden.

"She headed upstairs," Dad spoke, coming around the corner and giving me a jump. "Welcome home." He smiled, grabbing me into a hug.

"I'm so sorry, Dad. I'm so sorry." I spoke, breaking out into tears. I couldn't imagine how he felt as worried and scared as I felt.

"Reed. Stop. It's okay. Everything will be okay. We've got this, her Doctor is one of the best, and we caught it early; it'll be okay." He patted my back as he held me in the foyer. I knew he was reassuring me just as much as he was reassuring himself. "Your Mom tried to wait up, but she was just exhausted. Marie just went down to the guestroom; I figured I'd make sure you guys made it back safe before turning in myself." He stepped back.

"It's crazy to think of us all being in the house at the same time." I shook my head in disbelief. "There was a time that none of us were even on speaking terms."

"Well, that's how a family works. You have some grief; you get it out and get over it. You work through that stuff, and you all care for one another when it matters." He held his hand out, laying it on my shoulder. "That lady of yours fits right in, definitely a keeper. She's in your room; get some rest; we can talk more once we've all had a good sleep."

"I'm glad you and Marie are here."

"Me too, son, me too. Now go, shoo. No funny business, though; be respectful." He shook his head at me.

"Seriously? No funny business? Who talks like that?" I laughed.

"You heard me, so clearly I do." He waved me off and headed down the hall to the guest room. Everyone seemed so positive about everything; I hoped it would be easy to hold on to that. For tonight, I was too tired to fight it. I was going to take it and embrace it even for now.

Right now, everyone I loved was all under one roof. It brought me a sense of calm and peace that I hadn't felt in quite some time. My amazing girl was up in my room, waiting for me, and the thought of falling asleep with her in my arms was heaven. So I took the steps two at a time to get to her as quickly as possible.

When I pushed open the door, I saw her pulling clothes out of her suitcase. I couldn't help but pause and smile at seeing my girl in my childhood bedroom. Mom had left it pretty much as it had been, trophies on the shelves, same furniture, and such. I got lost in thought and didn't realize Eden was speaking to me until she walked over to me.

"Are you okay?" She wrapped her arms around my waist, leaning into my chest. I bent down, kissing the top of her head, pulling her into me, and feeling her comfort most certainly helped.

"I am for now, for right now I feel great. Thank you for coming here and being so good to my family." I spoke softly, pulling us further into the room and shutting the door behind me. "Now, all I need is to crawl into that bed with you and hold you close to me all night. Is that okay?"

"I would love nothing more." She smiled, giving me a quick peck.

So Much More (Book One in the Enough Series)Where stories live. Discover now