58. Love is the Right Place

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I left Tate in the lobby; he headed to the room he had with Brynn after directing me to the room where my girl was waiting. I was a ball of nerves knocking on her door, unsure what to expect. When she opened it, my heart was happy and broken at the same time. First, she looked exhausted and sick; then, she immediately broke into tears. I reached up, touching her face, wiping away the tears. I didn't know if she was angry with me or happy I was here. I couldn't help it; I wanted to wrap her up in my arms and make everything all better.

I had to kiss her to show her physically how much I loved her. I wanted her to feel all my love, apology, and everything. When I leaned back, our foreheads touching, the words just started spilling out.

"I love you. I love you so much. I'm so sorry I haven't been here; I'm so sorry I took so long to get here. I'm an idiot, a fucking moron. You're so strong and brave to have done so much by yourself, but just because you are strong and courageous doesn't mean you have to or should do it yourself. Thank God for Tate and Brynn. I owe them so much for taking care of you. But, God, Eden, I love you, and I'm sorry." I held her to me, tears of my own starting to spill out. "If you don't hate me and don't want me to leave, I'm here; I'm here for you like I should have been all along."

I rubbed up and down her back, holding her as tight as I could against me. I felt her soft sobs and knew she was releasing all the pain and stress she had been going through. I walked with her toward the bed, then lifted her into my arms, holding her as I sat.

"I can't believe you're here." She sniffled, nuzzling into my neck. "I thought you hated me. I thought you believed that stupid article." Her words were daggers to my heart; I had been an idiot by not communicating with her.

"Eden," I spoke softly, holding her out so I could look into her eyes and see her face. I lightly kissed her cheeks, trying to kiss away her tears. "That fucking article came at the worst time. I had a bit of a breakdown, I think, and I'm sorry I didn't communicate with you about it. I'm sorry you were left wondering. I don't hate you; I could never hate you. I don't know who put that article out there, but it's being taken care of, and I know you would never do anything like that."

Eden gave me a weak smile, looking up at me as she reached up to stroke my face. She scratched at the stubble that had grown in the last few days of not shaving. I gave her a quick peck on the lips, peppering kisses over her cheek and down her neck.

"How are you? How are you feeling?" I asked, holding onto her with my arms wrapped around her.

"I'm much better now that you're here." She spoke softly.

We both separated, scooting onto the bed and leaning back against the headboard. I took her hand, intertwining our fingers and pulling her next to me.

"How's Lizzie?" She asked. "She messaged me, but I've felt so awful, I just haven't had the time to respond."

"She's strong, hanging in. It was rough those first two nights, for sure, and I know it will be for the next few months. She was doing better today, though, and she insisted I get here to take care of you." I leaned down, kissing her cheek softly.

"That's so sweet of her. She is an amazing kiddo." Eden shifted, turning toward me. "I did, erm, I did do something. I mean, I didn't do what the article said I did. But, I did offer to donate cells to Lizzie if I was a match. I'm sorry I didn't say anything; I didn't want to get your hopes up if we weren't a match. But I also didn't want you to think I had ulterior motives because I don't. I promise you, this whole journey is just to be a good person, to do what I feel is right, and then when we found out about Lizzie, of course, I would do this for her too." My sweet girl was a blubbering mess.

"Eden, I know. I know, baby. Don't even worry about it. Bennett is taking care of it, and we both know the truth; every one that matters knows the truth." I kissed her cheeks again, stroking her hair. I could hear her stomach rumbling as we sat there, and I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Are you hungry?" I intertwined our hands again, wanting to keep physical contact.

"Apparently so." Eden laughed, one of my favorite sounds I was so happy to hear.

I had my phone out, shooting Tate a text; I asked him to grab some dinner for all of us and come up. I knew I was going to owe him big after everything.

"While we wait for some food, fill me in. How is this procedure going down?"

"Waiting for food?" She scrunched up her face in the most adorable way.

"Yep, I took care of it. Now. . back to what I asked. Fill me in; I want to know, and what can I do to make this smooth for you?"

"Just being here is enough. I'm so happy you're here. Can we call Lizzie before bed, I know she wanted to hear from me, and I want to thank her for sharing you with me."

"Of course." I pulled her with me up the bed, so we both leaned against the headboard. "I love you."


"Thanks for bringing up some food; I owe ya guys when we get back in Seattle," I spoke to Tate as we sat around the tiny hotel table.

"Nah, we're good. I'm glad you're here; that's payback enough. I haven't seen her smile like that since we arrived." He nodded toward Eden, who was smiling as she quietly talked with Brynn over on the bed.

"So, tomorrow?" I asked, looking over at them, interrupting their conversation.

"I need to arrive around 8 am. They'll either take the blood from my arm or possibly my neck." Eden explained calmly. I couldn't imagine what she was going through for someone so terrible to her. "I believe they said it could take up to five or six hours, wasn't that right, Brynn?"

"Yeah, they said your numbers looked great for just a one-day retrieval, so it will most likely be in your arm for several hours. They will monitor you for a bit after, but if everything goes well, you will start to feel better, and we can kiss these sorry fuckers goodbye!"

"Can someone be with you?" I asked, praying the answer was yes.

"One person can sit with her," Brynn answered as Eden sat quietly. "Before you even ask, yes, you can do it." She rolled her eyes at me with a laugh.

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