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They're in the same English class. Competing every step of the way. Who can answer questions correctly, read aloud better, get better test grades, etc.

Really, it's a pissing contest.

It's stupid. But here they are.

"Tell me a fact about Edgar Allen Poe" the teacher says from the front of the class

Two hands shoot into the air

"Mr. Styles, go first. Then you, Mr. Tomlinson" the droning female voice informs them

Everyone knows about their ongoing feud, so everyone stops talking or doodling to listen.

"He actually married his first cousin" Harry says quickly but in a harsh tone, directing the harshness to Louis and no one else

"Good. And you, Mr Tomlinson?"

"His first cousin, his wife, Virgina, actually died of Tuberculosis." Louis states calmly while tossing a glare to the green eyed boy.

Harry's hand flies back into the air.

"Styles?" the teacher turned back to him

"Virginia was only 13 when Poe married her.. and he was 27" Harry, very matter-of-factly spits out

"Some say they were more like brother and sister. They just cared very deeply for each other" Louis adds

"It's also said that her death is what drove him to write the more gruesome stories" Harry fires back

"Yeah? Well, it was figured that he died of rabies"

"It was figured but never proven, Tomlinson!"

"All signs show-"

"BOYS!" the teacher shouted, interrupting them and shutting them up immediately. Not to mention everyone stopped turning their heads from boy to boy, trying to see what was happening, and thy froze and looked at Mrs Green, at the front of the classroom.

"Hallway. Now." 

An argument, curious and amused eyes and ears of students, and two angry words ordered by their teacher...

that's what started this weird friendship

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