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This is what Marshal looks like

This is what Marshal looks like

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Niall walked directly to the booth, set down the drinks in his hands, and grabbed Harry. He pulled the boy to his feet and looked into those green eyes.

"Harry, I'm so fucking sorry" he whispered

"S'alright" Harry muttered, then a tear dripped down his cheek. He was quick to wipe it away and try to pretend like it didn't happen and he wasn't upset

Louis stood and grabbed Harry's cheek, gently turning his head to look him in the eyes

"What's going on, love? You alright?" Louis asked

"Just.. someone I don't like too much is here, that's all" Harry whispered, but another tear fell

Louis wiped it with his thumb then leaned up, having to get on his tiptoes, and kissed Harry's nose

"Forget about anyone and everyone but me, Niall, Zayn, and Liam for tonight, darling. We're here to have fun, yeah?"

"Yeah" Harry nodded softly and leaned his face more on Louis' palm

"Will dancing take your mind off of them?" Louis asked softly

"As long as you kiss me, yeah" Harry smiled a little

Louis lead Harry to 'the dance floor' which was really a cleared out area in the middle of the diner and they started to dance. There was bunches of people around them and it was very warm, but no one really cared. They spun around and held each other..

Then the song Teenage Dirtbag started to play and everyone was screaming along and jumping. It was practically a mosh pit.

After that, a song by Lady Gaga started to play. It was kinda sexy with a good beat- and that's when the dancefloor turned sexual . Everyone was grinding or kissing.

So, Harry and Louis did too.

They kissed and didn't care who seen. Louis rutted forwards into Harry's crotch and both boys moaned into each other's mouths.

"Fuck, lou" Harry muttered as he pushed his tongue into Louis' mouth

Their tongues pushed back and forth at each other until Harry gave up and let Lou's tongue explore his mouth freely

"You're so good" Louis mumbled as Harry continued grinding against him

Louis tipped Harry's face up and kissed down his neck, sometimes biting and sucking, leaving teeth marks and little bruises everywhere

When Louis reached a spot just under Harry's jaw, Harry gasped and moaned. It wasn't quiet at all. Harry couldn't stop it, that just felt too good.

Harry kept his eyes shut. he was scared to open them. He didn't want to see him. He just wanted to keep his hands on Louis' neck and shoulder. He wanted Louis' lips on him everywhere. And he was really enjoying grinding his hip into Louis' crotch while Louis' thigh was rutting up against his length aswell.

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