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Zayn, Niall, and Louis lazily sat around the living room, each with a videogame controller in their hands and a back of chips in their laps.

"This game is getting old" Louis sighed

"Yeah, a bit" Zayn agreed

Niall snored

They two looked over at the blonde and found him dozed off and leaning to the left. His controller was sat in his lap with his crisps.

"Wow" Louis laughed quietly

"He's so pretty" Zayn sighed happily

"I'm glad you and him are together. You're so cute. and he talks about you like you're his whole world"

"He talked about me?" Zayn asked

That's when Niall decided to wake up and frown at Louis

"Don't" was all he mumbled

Louis grinned and nodded, agreeing not to tell Zayn what the two had talked about, and Zayn pouted

"Hey, what did you say Harry was up to again?" Niall asked tiredly, now rolling over and cuddling into Zayn's side on the floor in front of the couch

"Said he wasn't feeling too good. He sounded upset, but I didn't want to push him" Louis sighs and puts his controlled and crisps on the little table by the arm chair he was sat in

"Maybe you could call him?" Louis asked quietly

"Sure, if that'll make you feel better about all this" Niall agreed and grabbed his phone off the floor next to him

Harry's phone rang three times before it was answered

"Niall?" Harry asked quietly

"Hey, bud, what's up?" Niall greeted

"Uhm. not much? Are you okay? It's 11:30"

"Yeah, I'm good. Just chilling at the sleep over. Louis said you weren't feeling well so I thought I'd call" Niall answered causually

"Okay.. well.. I'm fine. Tell Louis I'm okay, too."

Harry hiccuped. He didn't mean to, but it happens when he holds back tears. He hiccuped and Niall sat up a little straighter, frowning worriedly.

"Harry.." Niall started

Harry didn't say anything. He knew he'd been caught upset and Niall wasn't going to let it go.

Niall stood now and held one finger up to the other boys, signalling that he'd be back, and he stepped into the kitchen.

"What's going on, babe?" Niall asked carefully

"Just.. seeing Marshal.. it's hard. and.. it brought back so much"

"You just upset?" 

Harry nodded, even though Niall couldn't see him

"It's okay.. Seeing him, talking to him, it must've been terrible on you.. What'd he even say?" Niall wanted Harry to talk about it because he knew that would help, but he was careful with his questions

"Said he lov-loved me"

Anger filled Niall's chest.

"What else?"

"He'd still m-marry.. me and.. be with m-me"

"Harry, honey, you can't believe him. Remember what he did? He's bad. He's a liar. He's mean" Niall softly reminds his friend

"But he said.." Harry's voice broke into a quiet sob and Niall's heart almost broke

"I know, shh, it's okay" he soothed his crying friend and ran a hand through his hair

"Want me to come over?"

"No- No, because the guys."

"I'll tell them mum called."

It was silent then Harry whispered "I'm scared to be alone anymore" so Niall decided to tell the guys that his mother called and something was going on so he had to go home

Of course, Zayn and Louis both offered rides but Niall said he was upset and needed to clear his head- so a walk would do him good, even if it was late.

He kissed Zayn and hugged Louis and as soon as he got out the door, he dialled Harry again.

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