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**back to no point of view

Harry sits at the lunch table, a little overwhelmed. He looks over at Liam and sees him smiling back.

"Hey, H! How you been?" Liam politely greets him

"Uh, I've been good. You gonna be at Niall's party this weekend?" Harry replies smoothly, despite the weird feeling in his stomach and chest

"Yep! Whole team will be there. You going?" Liam says while sipping a can of Cola.

Harry nods while popping a cracker into his mouth. The crunch calms his nerves a little.

"Mhm. Playing pool is my specialty at the parties" 

"Oh, yeah? I'd love to take you up on a game then." The guy across from Liam joins in His name is Jordan. He's goalie on the football team

Harry nods to him as he unscrews the lid from the bottle of water Niall gave him. "Sure, let's do it"

* * *

As Niall turns to leave, he knows he probably shouldn't leave Harry at the table by himself, but he also knows that Harry can handle himself when he needs to. 

Sure, he knows Harry's fake tough identity thing- but he knows Harry can stand up for himself and save his own bum. Harry doesn't need Niall all the time, and that's okay. At some point, Harry has got himself and that's what he needs in some moments.

When Niall reached the outside area between the library and the school, he seen Zayn Malik and Louis Tomlinson once again. and that's right where he was heading. 

About 10ft away, Zayn noticed him. Then Louis noticed him.

Zayn smiled... then he noticed the determined look in Niall's eyes.

"Hey, Niall. What's wrong, lad?" he asked quickly

"Need to talk to you"

"Okay, sure. Come here" Zayn gently grabbed Niall's forearm and lead him a little bit away from Louis. They were stood under a tree when they finally stopped. Louis had just sat down on the grass and gotten on his phone. He didn't want to be nosy and watch the two talk. He didn't know Niall, but he could see how serious the fake blonde looked.

"Are you okay?" Zayn asked, confused

"Yeah. No. Well, You've got to keep a secret. Okay? And.. don't tell Louis. Or anyone. But especially not Louis." 

"Okay, I won't." Zayn promised. And Zayn meant it. Sure, Louis was his best friend, but if this was important to Niall, then he wouldn't tell anyone. Zayn really liked Niall. Everything about him. The way he laughed and got along with his footie mates, the way he was kinda dumb but still got work done in class, and the way he bit his bottom lip when he was thinking during Algebra in the seat next to him.

"You're friends with Louis. I'm friends with Harry." Niall started, earning a nod from Zayn.

"Well, obviously, they fight"

"A lot" Zayn added

"Yeah, a lot. So, apparently, Louis said something actually offensive. Not just the usual 'i did better' or 'I won this' stuff" 

"Yeah.... and Harry brought up Louis' height." Zayn said slowly

There are certain things everyone knows -Even if they aren't friends with Harry and Louis.

1- Both boys are the smartest in class

2- They fight over that because they want to be better than each other

3- Don't make fun of Louis' height

4- Don't make fun of Harry's curly hair

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