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Zayn and Niall got dressed after a long shower and found themselves back in the car too soon.

Zayn wore a jean jacket, white shirt, and black jeans while Niall had on a striped shirt, shorts, and sneakers.

Zayn wore a jean jacket, white shirt, and black jeans while Niall had on a striped shirt, shorts, and sneakers

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Zayn called Louis to ask if they needed to pick him and Harry up, and they said no they wanted to walk..

and about halfway through the walk, Harry was tired and claimed his feet hurt..

So Louis just put Harry on his back and carried him the rest of the way.

When Louis set Harry down, they laughed and Harry pulled Louis into a kiss. They stopped laughing and melted into the beautiful moment.

When they pulled away, Harry giggled and said, "I love you, Lou"

"I love you so much, Haz.."

Zayn and Niall pulled into the driveway and Niall sighed upon seeing the two on the sidewalk

"Harry is so happy.." Niall sighed

"And he'll stay happy. Louis will take care of him, Niall. Stop worrying." Zayn whispered as he brought Niall's hand to his mouth and kissed his knuckles.

The two got out and greeted Harry and Louis, then went up the porch and knocked on the door.

Liam answered and gave hugs, then let the four in.

"Hope you don't mind, I've got a few other friends coming over. Layla is in the bathroom." Liam announced as he sat on the couch

"We don't mind" Zayn commented

"Can't wait to meet the lady" Harry added

The bathroom door opened and a tall, beautiful girl stepped out.

"Hey, Babe. These your friends?" she asked Liam

"Yep. Layla, this is Zayn, Niall, Harry, and Louis." Liam introduced as he pointed to each boy

* * *

After 10 or 15 minutes of just talking and getting to know each other, a knock sounded at the front door and Liam gasped and stood quickly

"That's them!"

"Wait, who?" Niall asked 

"Bunch of people. Most were at the party" Liam shrugs and goes to open the door

Harry looks over quickly, locking eyes with Niall immediately.

"What if.." Harry started 

"Don't. Don't think about it. You're okay, I'm here, Niall and Zayn are right here, and we're got you" Louis cuts in

So, Liam let his huge group come in. People crowded around the living room and kitchen, everyone talked and Liam got out cups and different drinks.

"I didn't really expect a party" Zayn muttered 

Layla nodded.

"Yeah, he said he wanted me to meet some of his friends.. not.. this" she motioned to the crowd

"Where'd he even go?" Louis asked

"Uh... kitchen, maybe?" 

A footie player, Scott, walked over to Niall and patted him on the back.

"Hey, Captain. Didn't know you'd be here." Scott greeted

"Scotty! You doing alright?" Niall grinned and stood to bro-hug the taller guy

"Yeah, yeah. Matt and I are moving in together this weekend, did you know?"

"Wow, lad! That's great. Congratulations"

"And.. this one yours?" Scott asked as he motioned to Zayn, who just so happened to be eyeballing Scott and Niall

"Yeah, he's, uh, protective. Zayn, this is Scott. Scott, Zayn"

Zayn stood and tightly shook Scotts hand then wrapped an arm around Niall's waist.

"Calm down, love, he's taken" Niall mumbled to Zayn as Scott talked about footie.

Harry was holding Louis' hand as tight as he could and kept his eyes down.

"he's not here, love" Louis promised him, "It's okay"

"I know. just.. worried. My wrist- don't want people to notice" Harry mumbled

"Let's go outside or to Liam's room, Haz"

"Liam's room is the first door on the left down the hallway" Layla told Louis

She overheard Harry and Louis, but she wasn't going to say anything to anyone. She actually understood Harry's situation but no one knew that..

Harry and Louis got up after thanking her to slip into a bedroom and calm down.. but before they could reach the hall, they recognized a voice to their right

"Yeah, we're actually together, right, Marshal?" it was Jordan

"Yeah, we're.. yep. Together." Marshal somewhat deadpanned

Marshal's eyes scanned the crowd. He was looking for the one boy he actually liked- the one boy who  made him realized he liked guys in the first place.

He was looking for Harry.

"I.. I'm gonna go sit and talk to some people. You'll be alright, then?" Marshal asked Jordan

"Sure, baby" 

Marshal cringed at the name and slipped away 

Harry seen the whole thing play out- the way Marshal kept his eyes off of Jordan, the way Marshal slipped his arm out of Jordan's grasp and walked quickly.

"He's here." Harry mumbled

"I know. I see him. Let's just ignore him"

"No." Harry sighed

"I wanna get back at that bastard" Harry continued

He felt his wrist burning and his heart was thumping fast in his chest

"He put me through hell, and what happened is still causing me problems. Fuck, Louis, I just slit my wrist because of him and it's been months since I've been around him- besides the party of course! But I can't let him.. I can't let him have any power over me"

Louis only nodded. He'd do anything Harry wanted, and if Harry wanted 'revenge', then god damn it Louis was gonna help.

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