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Lunch rolled around quick, and Louis was beyond nervous.

So was Harry.

But Louis planned to apologize about the joke- and, after a long discussion with Zayn, he decided he wasn't going to be a dick anymore.

As scary as that was to him, he knew it just needed to be done, and he needed to stop the fighting.

He just hoped that Styles would be up for it aswell.

Maybe not a full blown friendship- but not hatred, like they have now.

Harry was sat quietly in the library. He chose a table closer to the back wall, just in case they started to argue, they may not disturb anyone else or piss off the librarian.

And when Louis came in, Harry immediately noticed the all too familiar light purple baggie Louis had. But normally, Niall carries it. It's Harry's lunch. Why does Louis have it?

"Hey- so... I know you're friends with Niall and Niall is dating Zayn adn Zayn is my friend... and I was gonna get you food because you weren't in the cafeteria but Niall said he always brings your lunch so I offered to bring it to you and... yeah, sorry, I'm rambling"

Louis sat a bit awkwardly and slid the little light purple bag over to Harry

"Thanks. You didn't have to like get me food but.. yeah, it was nice of you to."

Louis just nodded and tapped the table nervously

"You didn't get anything?" Harry asked, confused

"Uhm, no.. I don't really eat at school"

Harry frowned and pulled open the bag. he took out a sandwich and his favorite crackers and didn't think twice before ripping the sandwich in half and holding one side out towards the blue eyed boy next to him.

Louis stared at it for just one second before slowly taking it.

"You don't have to" he whispered

"I want to. I've been a dick to you since the first year of mid school and I just... sorry" Harry sighed

"You're sorry? Harry, come on, mate. I was a dick to you aswell. I'm sorry. And-" Louis got cut off by Harry grabbing his sandwich and shoving it into Louis' mouth

Louis laughed through the food in his mouth and chewed the bite of turkey and cheese and bread. Harry was grinning wide at him. 

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