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Harry didn't want to be sitting there any longer. Jordan was talking it up with Zayn and Liam. Niall was furious. His face showed it, but no one was paying any attention. Louis was watching his boyfriend carefully and Harry couldn't pry his eyes off of the beer in his hands. 

He counted the fizzy bubbles. He was at 65 when he stopped counting. And the only reason he stopped counting was because Jordan said, "I didn't even introduce you to my date!"

Harry's blood ran cold.

He looked at Louis and said, "I'm going to the toilet"

"Need me to come with you, love?"

"No, I'm okay. Overwhelmed, but I promise I'm alright" Harry was lying. So obviously lying. But Louis didn't want to push him

Harry gently pecked Louis' cheek and left the table.

Louis immediately looked at Niall. 

"If he isn't back in five minutes, I'm going after him" Louis stated

"If he isn't back in three minutes then we're all going after him" Niall corrected him. 'all' meant Louis, Zayn, Liam, and Niall.

Niall kept his eyes on Louis. He feared that if he locked eyes with Marshal, he's just stand up and swing at him. Louis scooted closer to Niall because he couldn't sit any closer to Zayn. They were on opposite sides of the booth- and Zayn was talking to Liam.

Two minutes passed. 

Marshal slipped away from the table and headed towards the bathroom.

Niall noticed. He'd never moved faster. He was up and right behind Marshal in seconds.

"Where the fuck are you going?" Niall shouted

Marshal turned and frowned

"You're Niall, right?" his voice was the same as it always was- flattering and slow. But Niall knew his 'charm' was all bullshit

"Oh, don't give me that nice bullshit, Marshal." Niall scoffed

"I'm going to the bathroom" he answered the question simply

"You're trying to see Harry" Niall corrected him

"Who?" the ghost of a sarcastic smirk hinted at Marshal's lips and Niall was about to unleash on the bastard, but the bathroom door opened, and Harry stepped out, still straightening his shirt

"Oh" was all he said when he seen Niall's fire filled, blue eyes staring level into Marshal's brown ones.

He cleared his throat and mumbled, "Excuse me... Niall?"

The blonde slowly took his eyes off of Marshal and looked at Harry.

Marshal turned aswell, stuck on a smile, and looked at Harry.

But Harry kept his eyes glued to Niall.

"Let's go back to the guys" Niall mumbled as he reached forwards to take Harry's hand

"Wait, Styles! Can we speak for a moment?" Marshal stepped infront of the two- completely ignoring Niall's existance, and only spoke to/looked at Harry

Harry froze.

"We could talk over a beer? I've got some things I feel like I need to say.."

"M-my beer.. It's.. It's at the table." Harry stuttered

"Let's go grab it then"

Niall tightened his grip on Harry and walked him to the table. He spun him around and looked him in the eyes.

"You really want to talk to him?" he asked lowly

"I- I'm not sure, Niall. Should I?"

"That's completely your choice. Maybe the dickwad will apologize, maybe he's just being an asshole, trying to get in your head."

"Niall... tell me what to do" Harry whispered, his eyes closing, fighting tears

"I cannot make your decisions, babe. What's best for you?"

"I.. I need closure. Right?" the green eyed boy asked

"If that's what you want, yes.."

Harry nodded slowly.

He still had that ring. He never had the heart to get rid of it. But maybe, after one conversation- no matter what way it goes, crying or screaming- he could get rid of that promise ring that broke his heart.

So, Harry turned to Louis and slid into the booth.

"I hate Marshal with every fiber of my being. He's a really shitty person... but I need to clear something up with him. He's my ex boyfriend- you deserve to know that, Lou. But he has something he needs to apologize for, and... well, I need to hear it" Harry told Louis quietly so no one else but Niall heard, since Niall slid back into the booth aswell

"I completely understand. I'm not mad- Go talk whatever it is out. Just.. don't get hurt, baby" Louis whispered back

"If I'm not back in 10 minutes, I want you to call my phone." 

"Okay. Okay, be careful" Louis sighed

Harry was about to get up... but he grabbed Louis' face and kissed the boy's beauiful lips

After a few seconds, Harry pulled back and kissed his nose, then his forehead, then pecked his lips again before getting up

"I'll be back soon. Then, maybe, we could go to Niall's and watch a film to fall asleep to? It's really late and I'm tired" Harry said

"Of course, love. We'll go as soon as you're back- if that's what you want." Lou nodded softly and let Harry's hand go

Harry turned around slowly and found Marshal looking at the floor behind him

"Where are we going to talk?" Harry asked, trying to sound confident

"I thought we could just step outside?"

Harry turned back to Louis and Niall and said, "We'll be right outside"

High School Lovers ~L.S.Where stories live. Discover now