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*ssmuttt warrnnnings

The two boys just laid there, no longer speaking, just looking at each other.

"I.. I really fancy you, Louis Tomlinson" Harry smiled as he spoke

"I like you pretty well too, Styles"

Both the boys giggled.. and kissed.. and as their lips stopped forming smiles and melted together, Harry realized just how much he needed the boy in bed with him.

Harry gently grabbed Louis' arms and held him tight as his lips parted.

Louis slipped his tongue past Harry's lips and held Harry's sides. He held him close and moved his thumbs in circles on his skin.

When Harry pulled on the older's arms, bringing him somewhat ontop of him, Louis pulled away.

"What if we go too far?" he whispered

"Oh.. a-are you uncomfortable?" Harry asked

"No. Not at all. I just.. are you?"

"No, I'm not."

Slowly, they let their lips find each other again. And this time when Harry tugged at Louis' forearms, they rolled and Louis held himself over Harry's body.

The kiss was wet and warm and passionate. And the friction between their bodies was enough to make both boys lose their breath. 

Louis slowly moved his hips down, making his crotch grind into Harry's.

Both boys froze for a second at the feeling of pleasure and Louis took that as an opportunity to bite softly on Harry's bottom lip.

"I want y-you" Harry mumbled

"We can't go all he way tonight, Harry. You're not well. You're head, your mind isn't well"

Harry knew Louis was right.

"So, no sex"

"right" Louis nodded

"Can we.. do something else?"

"Do you want to?" Louis asked carefully

"I-I've never.. besides Marshal.."

"Was it.. love? or.." Louis paused. He didn't know the words he wanted to say

"I thought it was" Harry sighed

"I want to show you love"

Harry's heart jumped in his chest.

Louis wants to show Harry what love is... meaning Louis feels love towards Harry.

"Please" was all Harry could think to say

So, Louis started grinding their clothed bodies into each other, letting the slow friction eat at their bodies, making them breath heavily and kiss a little harder.

"This is okay?" Louis asked after a few minutes

"A-amazing" Harry nodded

His arms were up by his head, protecting his wrist from getting bumped and hurt, and his legs were around Louis' back, making their hard-ons move against each other as they grinded.

"Are you close or.. do you need my hand?" Louis asked

"Can you..?" Harry asked quietly

Louis nodded, kissed Harry softly, then dipped his hand into the boxers of the boy under him

He moved his hand at the pace he had been moving his hips and squeezed a little in all the right places. Harry tensed and Louis made sure to move his boxers out of the way, so he didn't get them messy.

"I- oh Lou" Harry whimpered into Louis mouth as he finished on his hand and on his own stomach above his boxers

"so pretty, baby" Louis whispered to Harry as he kissed his cheek, "you sounded so pretty"

"Want me to..?" 

"Only if you're sure, love"

"Lay down" Harry sat up, making Louis move to the spot next to him..

Harry didn't want to hurt his wrist.. so he lowered himself so that his face was at Louis' hips and he gently moved the boxers out of his way

"Wait, Harry, you don't have to.."

"I want to"

"But, I didn't suck you off, I just- this isn't fair, love"

"Louis. Shut up, will you?"

Both boys grinned at that and Louis relaxed.

Harry started to slowly take Louis in his mouth, making sure to hide his teeth as he did, and Louis melted beneath him

"Jesus, Haz" Louis mumbled

Harry hummed, happy about the praise, and moved down so more of Louis slid down his throat with each bob of his head

A few minutes later, Louis is gripping the bedsheet and slightly arching his back off the bed.. and Harry pushed down all the way, almost gagging but managing to stop himself, and Louis finished at the back of his throat.

and Louis quietly moaned out three words that made Harry feel fireworks explode in his tummy, butterflies erupt from his body, and this crazy warmth in his chest that spread down to his toes.

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