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"Re-really?" Harry asked softly after a moment of silence

"Y-yeah. Is.. is that okay?" Louis responded hesitantly

"Is it okay that.. I.. I think I love you, too?" 

Louis moved so that he was sat up and he gently tugged Harry over on the bed, so they were sat right across from each other.

"I want you to know this isn't like Marshal-love. I won't, I won't ever hurt you or use you. I'll be here and I'll listen and understand you." Louis told him as he ran a hand through Harry's hair

"I know, Lou. You aren't like him."

"Okay so.. it's okay, then?"

"Yeah, it's okay"

They looked at each other, just for a brief second, then their lips formed wide grins and they were giggling like school-boys.

They laid down next to each other and Louis wrapped an arm around Harry, letting the younger boy be the little spoon and Harry cuddled back into Louis' chest.

"Sleep good, yeah?" Louis mumbled

"I love you" Harry whispered as he brough Louis' hand up to his lips and gently kissed his knuckles

Louis kissed Harry's shoulder softly and said it back before nuzzling his nose into the boy's hair and letting himself ease into sleep.

* * *

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Anne woke Niall up from the couch.

"I'm going out with Des. You okay here with Harry for today?" 

"Yes, ofcourse, Anne. Me, Louis, and our friend Zayn are gonna be here all day."

"Is he.. okay?"

Niall sighed and ran a hand through his messy hair

"He'll talk to you when you're home, I promise" that was the best answer Niall could give her at the moment..

When Anne left, Niall got up and went to Harry's room. He knocked gently on the door and didn't get a response, so he opened it and peaked in.

When he seen that Harry was curled up in a tiny ball, facing Louis, and Louis was holding him tight, he smiled and got his phone out. He took a picture for them and sent it to both their phones before waking them up.

"Hey, Louis. Louis. Lewis."

Louis opened his eyes, frowning when the light reached them, and looked up at Niall

"What's up, mate?"

"Want breakfast or brunch? We could go out? I think it'd be good for Harry"

"Yeah, sure, let me wake him and I'll see how he feels"

"Thanks. Zayn's coming with us. Or if Harry wants to stay, Zayn and I or Zayn and you can go pick something up and bring it back"

"Alright, sounds good. Be down soon"

High School Lovers ~L.S.Where stories live. Discover now