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 At the end of the date- which was eventually confirmed to be a date, Zayn drove Niall home.

With a plan to get their friends to be friendly-tipsy then talk with them, they were pretty sure it could work.

"So... See you tomorrow, then?" Zayn offers when he stops the car in Niall's drive

"Yeah. Thanks for today- I mean, for watching footie practice and driving me and-" before Niall could continue his big ramble-thank you, Zayn leaned over the center console and kissed his lips

After a second, Niall had gently pressed his lips back against Zayn's. Then it was over another second after.

"Need a ride to school in the morning?" Zayn asks

"Yeah, that'd be cool"

"Alright. See you at 7:15"

Niall just nodded and got out. He grabbed his bag from the back then jogged up to his house.

* * *

* * *

When Harry got home, he was exhausted. Like every day.

After playing the role of someone he isn't for a full day, he just wanted to sleep or cry soflty into his pastel pillow, in his fluffy room, that had light pink and purple walls.

Harry is a completely different person outside of school. He's sweet and wants to paint his nails. He's kind and giggly and bubbly. He's flamboyant and pretty.

And at school, he's cocky and smart and sorta tough.

* * *

When Louis got home, he put his skateboard in the corner of his room and fell onto his fluffy white bed. His room was mostly white. He liked it that way. It looked clean. Nice. Almost shined from how un-dirty it was.

His bed looked like a big cloud. Black and grey band shirts hung neatly in his closet. Skinny jeans were folded into his dresser. Boxers, socks, and tank tops were also in the dresser, very neatly folded aswell. On his desk, a small stack of books, a notebook, and a little pack of pencils. 

Louis was very laid back when he got home, not the uptight smarty.

* * *

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