Past Chronicles: 1

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HOLIDAY WAS A VERY UNCOMMON WORD that was rarely used in the Namikaze household, So when there was one the family of 4 enjoyed it whole.

Hayami Namikaze, formerly a Hyuga, woke up with an unsettling feeling in the pit of her stomach. The house was quiet, perhaps too quiet. With other families, this was probably considered normal. But with a 5 year old daughter that loved to cause havoc?

So with that worrying thought, Hayami turned her head as she was laying on the bed to glance back at her husband, who was sound asleep with his blonde hair in a huge mess.

"Ryuji," she called him out in a whisper, gently shaking him by the arm. "Ryuji, wake up." But Ryuji Namikaze only groaned and drew the covers over his head to block his eyes from the bright morning sun, which was beaming through the window's curtains.

"Ryuji, don't you think the house is too quiet?" Hayami whispered, trying to get his attention.

"It's not quiet while you're talking," Ryuji's witty voice came from under the blankets. "I'm serious Ryuji," Hayami asked, her voice laced with concern making Ryuji poke his head out from under the blankets.

"Do you think that..." Ryuji trailed off as Hayami nodded before activating her Byakugan, her eyes scanning the house for threat, finding none she took a breath of relief. No one could actually blame her since it was the beginning of a brewing war, the Namikaze's were surprised that they even got a day off at this time with the two being elite Jonin.

With the confirmation of nothing wrong Ryuji once again disappeared under the bundle of blankets making Hayami sighed in his direction before shaking her head and getting out of bed. She then ran a hand through her long brown hair to try and make it neater, before walking out of their bedroom.

On her way down the corridor, Hayami peeked through her daughter's room to find that she had blankets fully over her heads just like her father and she was still sleeping. Hayami then peeked into her son's room to see the same thing, he was covered in blankets and asleep.

Satisfied Hayami made her way to the kitchen to pour herself a cup of tea. But she had barely stepped when she realised something.

It was true that their daughter usually slept till noon and had to be woken up sometimes by force, but that wasn't the case for their son, he was very responsible and not to mention she vaguely remembered him telling her about a mission he was supposed to have today.

So with her eyes narrowed in suspicion, Hayami started to tiptoe back toward her son's room and slowly opened her door wide. The figure on the bed and under the covers was too still. Something wasn't right.

Hayami walked toward the bed and ever so gently lowered the blankets. But her face fell when she realised that no one was under the blankets, though there were many pillows set underneath it to make it look like a person.

Hayami then ran to her daughter's room pulling the blankets to once again reveal pillows, Hayami sighed to herself, shaking her head. What were her kids up to?


As the morning wore on a much warmer colour and the rays of sunshine splattered across the Namikaze household, unknown to their parents, Minato and Hikari Namikaze sat at the back of their yard, under the tall willow tree which had been planted there years and years ago.

15 year old Minato had his kunai blade in his hand as he was sitting next to the tree trunk, trying to carve something upon it as he focused hard, pushing his blonde hair back.

"Let me do it!" 5 year old Hikari groaned as she watched her brother examining the tree with the blade in his hand.

"No, you can't do it." Minato shook his head and then turned to face his sister, "Let me handle the blade."

Hikari frowned, her eyes squinting. She was about to throw a fit when she heard her mother's voice, "What are you two doing?" Minato and Hikari turned abruptly at the voice, seeing their mother standing a few feet away from them with her arms folded.

Both the siblings shared a look, "Oops," Hayami's eyes landed on the freshly carved Tree and the Kunai in Minato's hand, "Come inside you two," The siblings shared a look of relief when Hikari spoke up, "Say Is Dad awake?" Hikari questioned, Hayami shook her head as Hikari grinned, "Then I'll wake him up," Hikari said cheerfully running past her into the room.

A minute passed before there was a shriek from inside that sounded like Ryuji, Hayami sighed as a small smile creeped into Minato's face, "Come on let's see what your sister did to your father." With that the mother son duo left the willow tree with M.N and H.N carved on it.

"Seriously, a man can even sleep peacefully around here," Ryuji grumbled looking at his daughter who walked in with a pout etched on her face. "What's wrong Little Light?" Ryuji questioned using his nickname for her all his anger gone.

"Minato left for his stupid mission," Hikari said sitting down next to Ryuji who chuckled, "Well he is a Chunin about to be a Jonin soon," Hayami pointed out making Hikari frown even more, "How about this instead of your brother I'll take you out?" Ryuji said with a smirk as Hikari's expression brightened.

"Yay, let's go," Hikari cheered, grabbing her father by the arm pulling him towards the door, "Easy there, slowly Hikari!" Hayami heard her husband's voice before she heard the door shut. Hayami shook her head with a smile before she made her way towards the dishes when her eyes landed on the window that reflected her face.

Her brown hair was combed well and pulled into a low ponytail but her bangs fell over her forehead, Her pearly white eyes were sparkling, Hayami slowly reached forward and brushed her bangs out to reveal her caged bird seal.

Hayami had officially been part of the main family, she grew up disciplined and spoiled for being a part of the main branch. That was all until a certain Ryuji entered her life, his way of living life freely swayed her making her fall in love with him and his goofy smile.

But the Hyuga's couldn't afford to have their eyes fall into the Namikaze clan, so they gave Hayami a choice, either she abandoned her Clan or her family to be with Ryuji or she cut ties with Ryuji forever.

It was now obvious she had chosen the former, her eyes then landed on the photo frame that hung beside the window. In the photo Hayami was carrying Hikari while standing next to Ryuji who was holding Minato's hand, Hayami smiled, running her fingers on the frame.

Leaving the clan was painful, because no matter what clan was flesh and blood, clan was family and then there was the matter of getting the caged bird curse, it was painful to say the least. But now having the freedom to be a Jonin with Ryuji, having this family, Ryuji, Minato and Hikari...

She knew all that was worth it.

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 So the first chapter of Fierce has finally been uploaded!! So this might be a little confusing at start but I also wanted to show you guys a little about Hikari's past so the past scenes are called Past chronicles which will appear after every two chapters of the present timeline.

And if you already haven't noticed the story won't be following much of the time line since it sort of disrupts my story plot, it is also one of the reasons why Minato's parents are still alive when he is 15 and not dead since he was 12, Anyway enjoy the story, till the next update.

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