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A FEW DAYS HAD PASSED since the land of waves mission, most of those days Hikari spent in the stupid hospital healing, then Old man third suggested that she take a break from Anbu and continue training with Team 7

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A FEW DAYS HAD PASSED since the land of waves mission, most of those days Hikari spent in the stupid hospital healing, then Old man third suggested that she take a break from Anbu and continue training with Team 7.

As the obedient person the Hikari was, she trained and went on missions with Team 7, she had to admit it was fun. But sadly her fun came to a halt when she had to take a break because of an unexpected problem called 'The Lady' problem came knocking on her door.

Hikari instead of her normal clothes wore an oversized shirt and black loose pants, her hair was tied into a bun and her face showed tiredness.

Hikari's apartment wasn't a huge one, it was just enough for a person or maybe two, it had a bedroom, a kitchen she barely cooked in, a bathroom and a living room with a small couch.

Right at the moment Hikari was sitting on the couch flipping through a bingo book, she was hungry to be honest her fridge was probably empty and she wasn't in the mood to go grocery shopping right now.

Suddenly Hikari heard the doorbell go on, who was it? It was 2 in the noon, was it Naruto? Sakura? Sasuke? well she won't get the answer by sitting and playing the guessing game. Slowly the Anbu made her way towards the door and opened it to be greeted by the sight of none other than the copy cat ninja.

"Hatake!" Hikari said surprised. The silver haired Jonin lazily raised his hand, "Yo."

"What are you doing here?" Hikari questioned opening the door wider, "The genin were asking for you so I came to see why you didn't come to train," Kakashi explained.

"Oh today is my day off," Hikari explained as Kakashi raised his eyebrow. She had a day off a few days ago in the Hospital, "Lady's problem," Hikari said, sighing, Kakashi blinked once and then twice when it hit him.

Even with the mask Hikari knew that he probably was red, "Oh, well see ya," With that Kakashi vanished in a puff, Hikari couldn't say that she was surprised it was the usual men scared of ladies problem. Shrugging Hikari went inside and plopped herself on the couch once again flipping through the bingo book.

Hikari shot awake at the stupid sound of the door bell ringing, who was it now? While flipping through the book she had dozed off. It was evening now. Stomping towards the door Hikari yanked it open only to be greeted by brown? Suddenly from behind the brown, a face peeked, Kakashi.

"Mask face?" Hikari questioned looking at him, "Hi, can I come in?" He questioned giving her his closed one eye smile, confused Hikari let him in.

The Jonin came inside and placed the brown, which was a huge paper bag on the kitchen counter, "What are you doing here and what is all this?" Hikari questioned him.

"These are for you," Kakashi explained pointing at the bag, "Me?" Hikari questioned as Kakashi elaborated, "You see Rin used to have this 'lady's problem' of course at the time I didn't care much but Obito used to get her all these snacks to cheer her up."

"So I thought maybe you'd like some snacks," Kakashi explained, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly as he placed some Dango, potato chips and other things out. Hikari's eyes lit up at how considerate he was being.

"Thank you," Hikari said with a genuine smile which Kakashi returned, "Say Kakashi do you have a mission now?" Hikari questioned him, "Not now, why?" Kakashi eyed her.

Hikari turned red, "I'm on my period jerk and I'm inviting you to watch some movies but if you insist on being a pervert you can leave," Hikari grumbled turning her head away, letting her bangs curtain her red face.

Kakashi chuckled at her reaction before he slowly and leisurely walked towards the couch, the last time he was here...Well let's just say it hadn't ended well, which resulted in them avoiding each other like the plague for the next few years.

Grumbling under her breath about how dumb and annoying Kakashi was, Hikari sat down next to him keeping a considerate amount of distance which made Kakashi chuckle, triggering Hikari to yell at him.


Kakashi groaned, his head was pounding, and his back ached and his mouth felt dry. He tried to get up but something was weighing him down. His coal black eyes flew open as he looked around he wasn't in his own home.

Looking at the weight he realised it was Hikari. That's right they were watching a movie and they fell asleep, the T.V was running showing the credits, there were wrappers and half empty boxes everywhere.

Hikari was curled next to him, Her hair was a mess and her clothes were wrinkled, slowly Kakashi moved her so she would not wake up. Once free Kakashi stretched his arm, his whole body felt stiff, his eyes then landed on the clock on the wall which read midnight.

How long was he here? He had to go back, Kakashi's eyes then wandered to the sleeping Hikari but he couldn't just leave her on the couch. Sighing Kakashi scooped up Hikari in his arms, she was surprisingly light, he then carried her to what he presumed was her bedroom.

It was a small room with a single bed against the wall with a nightstand next to it, there was a closet on the other side along with a desk, her Anbu uniform was hanging next to the closet.

Laying her down gently on the bed before covering her with the blanket, The moonlight passed through the open window into her room illuminating Hikari's face. Slowly Kakashi brushed the hair out of her face when his eye caught the attention of the frame on her bedside.

He knew when that picture was taken, It was the day Minato Namikaze was named the fourth Hokage. Minato was wearing his cloak and standing next to Kushina who was wearing her Jonin uniform and in the middle was a young Hikari grinning as she wore the Hokage's hat.

Kakashi didn't know what came over him but then he felt his body move on it's own, he knelt down and removed his mask to reveal his defined face and sharp jaw, The silver haired Jonin then bent forward and pressed his lips against Hikari's forehead.

Pulling back Kakashi put on his mask and took a last glance at the sleeping form before he disappeared out of there.

Leaving behind a smiling sleeping Hikari. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2023 ⏰

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