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A PUFF OF SMOKE MIXED WITH the air as an ominous figure with a blue and white hawk mask appeared in the slightly dull room

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A PUFF OF SMOKE MIXED WITH the air as an ominous figure with a blue and white hawk mask appeared in the slightly dull room. The Third Hokage was sitting on the chair behind the desk of his office. "Lord Hokage," The female Anbu black ops Captain of team Kai greeted on her knee, her head bowed making her long brown hair that was pulled into a pony curtain her masked face.

"Now, now let's forget the formalities. Why don't you take a seat." The Third Hokage said with a smile on his wrinkled face. The Female Anbu raised an eyebrow from behind the mask but nonetheless took a seat in front of the Third Hokage.

"I called you today to inform you that I am relieving you of your Anbu duty," Lord Hokage said, taking another puff from his pipe. "WHAT?!" The female Anbu snapped, even if the porcelain mask concealed her expression the shock was evident in her voice. "Temporarily," The old man added, making her take a sigh of relief.

"Why don't you remove your mask so we can have a nice and civil conversation?" Lord Third suggested making the female Anbu roll her eyes before slowly removing the mask revealing her aquamarine blue eyes.

A stone cold expression marred her face, lips step in a hard line, her eyes held a look of emptiness in them, perfecly shaped eyebrows frurrowed in irritation. "Alright, What is this about old man?" Hikari Hyuga questioned bluntly with a frown on her face, The Third Hokage chuckled a little, "I have a mission for you that doesn't need that mask."

Hikari slowly nodded her head in realisation, "What is the mission?" Lord Hokage looked at her for a while before answering, "You know how it works after graduating from the academy right?"

"You become a Genin and go on D rank missions with the sensei appointed to the particular three man squad," Hikari summarised thinking back to her younger days, "Right but as you know sometimes the genin become a pain and demand for more challenging mission this group in particular is a pain," Lord Hokage said bluntly as he pushed a file towards Hikari.

Hikari eyed the file but made no move to revive it, "I was going to appoint another D-rank mission to team 7 when a genin on that team threw a fit demanding for a C-rank, having no choice I had to give in to the boy." The Third Hokage said, dropping his head.

Hikari looked at him confused, "Wait, so what do you want me to do? Because if you want me to break it to him that he can't do a C-rank mission let's face it I'm the last person you need to come to," Hikari said giving him a pointed look, it was true being soft and stubble wasn't her best quality.

"Oh no, that's not the mission. Turned out that we underestimate the severity of that mission, because now it's a A or even S rank mission." Hikari let out a bored whistle, "Well damn."

"To make matters even worse, Their opponent was Zabuza Momochi. While the Jonin Sensei took care of the rogue ninja, he suspects that Zabuza is still alive. Your mission will be to guard the team and help the Jonin Sensei." The Third Hokage bowed his head a little, a dark shadow passing over his eyes, "And If Zabuza Momochi does appear...Eliminate him."

Hikari hummed, this was something new to her, as a past of the Anbu Black Ops operating directly under the Third Hokage, she was sent on more assasination missions then she cared for.

"Tell Lord Hokage what are you exactly playing at? As an Anbu Black Op, I can manage by staying hidden in the shadows, and guarding the team as well as eliminating Zabuza. Why is it necessary for me to interact with the team, Exactly?" She knew better than to trust this old man who loved himself a bit of amusement, Hikari wasn't going to fall for his tricks.

"Perceptive as ever I see, On those aspects you sometimes remind me of your brother," The third Hokage chuckled but Hikari's eyes darkened further, "Quit the mindless chatter."

"Why don't you take a look at that file and find out," Cautiously Hikari took the file which read team 7, opening the file the first member about whom it was written was a girl with fair skin, green eyes, and pink hair, "Sakura Haruno," Hikari read out loud.

Lord Hokage shook his head so she turned to the next page. The second one was a boy with black eyes and spiky black hair with a blue tint, "Sasuke Uchiha, is this what this is about?" Hikari questioned looking up.

"Ah yes Sasuke the last living member of the Uchiha clan but no this is not about him the last one," Lord Hokage mused making Hikari dive back in and flip the page to land on a familiar boy with blond, spiky hair and blue eyes.

"Is this..." Hikari trailed off, for the first time in a while her eyes softened, The Third Hokage nodded, "Naruto Uzumaki but you might know him as your dear nephew." Hikari slowly caressed the picture, how she had longed to meet him.

A wave of nausea flooded her senses as pain gripped her heart, she could finally meet him...Naruto. Hikari had almost lost hope of ever seeing him after what happened a few years ago.

Not wanting to show emotions in front of the Hokage, Hikari blanked her emotions once again, "So tell, who's their Sensei," The Third Hokage took the file and flipped the page before passing it back to her. "Someone you know quite well, In fact I think you might even enjoy working with him."

Hikari peered closely at the page, it showed a picture and details of a male shinobi she hadn't seen in quite a while. "Hatake?" She questioned, scoffing at the irony of the situation.

This situation was actually turning out to be quite interesting.


Hikari stood atop a tree, glancing at the house that was built on the small island. This was where they were, according to intel at least. A jittery sort of feeling sunk into her stomach, making her almost scoff at herself, was she actually feeling nervous to meet Naruto?

Before she could mull over that though a bunch of Kunai were shot her way, but Hikari quickly deflected them landing on her feet. Before she could even turn properly a fist shot her way. Being quick on her feet, Hikari dodged the attack before countering with her own. Her opponent, clearly strong, blocked her attack leaving them in a deadlock.

Hikari's hand was wrapped around her opponent's neck, the other being blocked by her opponent. "You've grown rusty Hatake," Hikari taunted, a smirk painting her lips.

Kakashi's eyes widened at the identity of their intruder, "I overused my Sharingan," Hikari glared at him in a distasteful way, "Pathetic, Mask face."

"I thought being a jerk was my thing,"Kakashi questioned, raising an eyebrow, Hikari scoffed, not making a move to remove her hand from where it was wrapped around his neck, "So you agree you were a jerk."

"Key word being 'were', that is," He reminded her, Hikari was about to resort to a comeback when a voice yelled, "Kakashi sensei!" Without batting an eye, Hikari let go of Kakashi and stopped the intruder.

Twisting him around, she held him in a way that aimed his Kunai at himself, "Watch it, Kid," Hikari muttered bored, "Naruto!" A female Pink haired girl yelled, Sakura, Hikari recognized. Next to the Kunoichi, the Uchiha's last survivor stood a kunai in his hand. That meant... Hikari's eyes quickly snapped to the kid she had just disarmed.

Messy blonde hair and blue eyes that mirrored her own started back at Hikari. 

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