Past Chronicles: 4

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A 7 YEAR OLD GIRL STOOD HIDDEN BEHIND a tree with a mischievous glint in her ocean blue orbs as she held onto a rope which was connected to a bucket filled with flour.

Hikari peeked from behind the tree to see her target appear. A small smirk made its way onto her face as the victim stepped on the place she wanted him to be before she let go of the rope.

Hikari shut her eyes and closed her ears waiting for an angry voice which never came. Confused, she peered from the tree to see the flour bucket upside down and human in sight.

"Are you looking for someone?" Hikari heard a smug voice ask from behind her. She knew that voice gulping Hikari turned around to be greeted by none other than Minato Namikaze, her brother.

Minato was leaning against the tree that was next to the one Hikari was hiding behind, his arms crossed above his chest. He was wearing his Jonin uniform, his blond hair was tied back by his leaf headband and he had his usual goof grin plastered on his face.

"Uh-uh," Hikari mumbled before sprinting in the opposite direction of her brother. She didn't know why she did it in the first place because her brother was known for his ridiculous speed but at the time it seemed like the best thing to do.

Hikari didn't even run a foot when she tripped on a rock in the middle of the road making her fall face first on the ground. Sitting up Hikari cradled her right knee which was in pain as in a flash her brother appeared beside her.

Minato crouched next to Hikari, his goofy grin replaced with a concerned look, "Are you ok?" He questioned but Hikari whimpered in return, "It hurts," The little girl mumbled as she looked at her bleeding knee.

Minato looked at the wound, it wasn't too deep but it could still cause some infection, Sighing Minato kneeled in front of her, Getting the message loud and clear a grin creeped onto Hikari's face as she jumped onto her brother's back almost making him fall.

"Easy, one would think that you're not hurt at all," Minato mumbled standing up as Hikari pouted, pointing to her bleeding, "Hey the red liquid called blood says otherwise."

"AND besides," Hikari continued, "It's your fault that I fell," Hikari grumbled, crossing her arms as Minato looked at her surprised," My Fault?"

"Yes you, if you weren't 'The Leaf's Yellow Flash' and what not then maybe you would have fallen for my prank then instead of running I would have been busy laughing," Hikari explained as Minato looked at her in disbelief.

"So you don't want me to be 'The Leaf's Yellow Flash' just so you can prank me?" Minato asked the little girl on his back, "Exactly!" Hikari exclaimed in conformation as Minato shook his head.

Reaching a river bank Minato slowly dropped Hikari who as soon as her feet touched the ground flipped off her shoes before dipping her legs in the lake. Rolling up his pants Minato made his way into the river standing in front of Hikari before he started to splash water on her wound.

Hikari whimpered as the cool water came in contact with her wound, noticing her pain Minato pursued his lips before an idea came into his blonde head, "Hikari? you water right why?" Minato questioned.

Suddenly a huge smile came onto her face, "Because a shinobi should be like water," Hikari said, making Minato look at her confused, "Water?"

"Hmm," Hikari nodded her head, "Because when you put water into a glass the water takes its shape, water when put in a container takes its shape that's how a shinobi should be, A shinobi should be able to blend with their surroundings."

Minato smiled slightly as Hikari's eyes lit up while speaking of the said nature's element, speaking of water Hikari had completely forgotten about the wound letting Minato to patch it up with his little sister whimpering.

"Done," Minato announced before he sat down next to her as Hikari examined her bandaged leg in awe. The two Namikaze orphaned siblings sat on the river bank in silence until Minato broke it.

"You know Hikari just because I'm your brother doesn't mean that I have the solution to all your problems," Minato started as he looked at her bandaged leg, "There might be some problems that you might have to solve on your own." Hikari looked down.

"But that doesn't mean I'll let you face them alone because I'm always going to be there," Minato finished looking at Hikari with a soft smile, Hikari's face lit up as she held out her hand, "Always??"

Minato looked at his sister tiny hand before placing his large warm one on hers, "Always." Hikari smiled as Minato's soft smile turned into a sly one, "And to keep my promise..." Minato trailed dramatically as he reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out something.

Hikari looked at him curiously as he showed her the thing in his fist, it was a chain. It was a rather long one but at the end of the chain was a small vile, Hikari looked at in awe as Minato pushed her brown hair away and clamped the pendant around her neck making it fall just below her chest.

"It's beautiful," Hikari mumbled as she held onto the pendant, "It's more that just a treat for the eyes you know," Minato mused with a smile as Hikari looked at him curiously, "It's a chakra container," Minato explained.

"Chakra container??" Hikari repeated confused as Minato nodded, "You take the chakra of the people that are very precious to you, the people that you never want to lose," Minato explained as he touched Hikari's forehead and pulled out a small blue energy which Hikari realised was chakra.

"And then you store their chakra," Minato said as bought the blue energy near the pendant around Hikari's neck, Hikari watched in fascination as the pendant absorbed the chakra turning into blue liquid, "It not much really it just to remind yourself of the people that are precious to you," Minato explained rubbing his head sheepishly.

Suddenly his sheepish look turned soft and wise, "And when the time comes you must learn to let it go," Hikari looked at him confused, "What's that supposed to mean?" Honestly she believes that maybe sometimes her brother forgot how old she was, "You'll find out when the time is right." Is all Minto said with a closed eye smile.

Hikari's confused looked turned into a grin as she leaped up, "I want to try it to," Before Minato could say anything he was silenced by tiny fingers pressing against his forehead, Hikari's face was scrunched in concentration as she pulled out a small blue energy out of Minato's forehead.

Honestly Minato was quite surprised that she was able to pull out chakra, He then watched as her blue orbs lit up as she let his chakra absorb into the pendant. "You precious to me big brother and I could never imagine life with you Minato," Hikari said cheekily as Minato smiled at her softly.

His little sister was truly something special.

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