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My alarm woke me up.


"What time is it?" I ask myself as I look at my clock.

7:20 A.M


I'm not gonna be late for my first year of school!!

Shit! Shit! Shit!

Holy crap my phone! Did I charge it yesterday night?!

I mentally sigh when I saw my phone in a 100 percent.

I hurriedly prepare myself to go to school!

Waah! I can't believe I'll be late for my first day of school!

I even celebrated that I won't hear my mom's constant shouting early in the morning in order to wake me up.

Now I'm missing her! I want food for me to eat breakfast! I want her cook food

Fortunately, it's a 5 minutes walk from my apartment to my new school!

Gosh! Why did I even agree transferring if the classes already started!!

I immediately ran to the direction of my new school!

"Waah! Thank god!" I exclaimed as I successfully entered the campus!

Now what time is it?

I look at my phone.

7:50 A.M

Oh gosh! I need to go at the faculty office!

I almost got lost. Thankfully, a student guided me to the office.

"Uhmm... Hello? Where's Ms. Shin?" I ask.

A teacher pointed a desk.

A gave a bow and said my thanks then continue to approach my new adviser.

I passed another student who's incredibly taller than me.

"Oh! You must be the new transferry? Nice to meet you! I'm your new adviser. You can call me Ms. Shin." A beautiful woman greeted me.

Whoo! Thanks to my effort in learning the Korean language I'm not having a hard time dealing a conversation with them.

"Wait for a bit Ms. Y/n. I'm just gonna organize your papers then you can follow me to your classroom." Ms. Shin said.

"Yes, Ms. No worries." I said

I look around the office. Woah! It's not really different from the KDrama I've watched.

Then, my eyes landed to a certain figure who's already looking at my way.

He's still here?

The both of us shared a staring contest. But I decided to break it with a really small bow and awkwardly smile at him.

He's handsome. Too bad I'm not into looks. I'm into brain and brawn.

He also gave a small bow.

I turned to Ms. Shin who suddenly stand up.

"Let's go Ms. Y/n?" She ask with a gentle smile.

I followed her outside the office. The quick walk was silent.

We entered a room where a lot of students is starting to get in their own seat.

"Listen up, everyone! We have a new student joining us for today." Ms. Shin exclaimed making all of the students turned towards me. She looks at me then nod.

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