Meeting him

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"Wow! It's your first day but you answer all of the teachers questions!" Dayeon exclaimed.

"Really? Well, I'm just glad that classes is over for today. Waaah!" I said.

For the rest of the class the blonde girl didn't bother us. I learned her name was Huijin.

Well I don't give a damn.

"Oh! Do you have any plans, Dayeon? Can you tell me where is the nearest convenience store here? I'm afraid I don't know the way around here yet." I said chuckling slightly.

"Yeah, sure! I forgot that you're a transferee since you're so great at speaking in our language."

"You see, I learned korean when I was 10. My family have some company around the world so I have to learn different languages." I said.

She nodded and smile at me.

We walk out of the room and leave the campus.

I was looking at my phone to take notes of what I'll buy.

"Dayeon... Do you think the ramen here is spicy? If so, how much is the spiciness?" I ask Dayeon while still looking at my phone.

When I got no answer I look up to her to see her staring at someone. I follow her gaze and it landed to a very familiar guy.

"Ijin?" She ask.

"Who now?" I ask her.

We walked towards the guy. I'm being skeptical since I don't really trust boys. Because the boys in my country are just jerks of course not all the boys.. Dzuhh

"Were you waiting here for me?" Dayeon ask the guy.

"Yeah, I wanted to walk back home with you. That is if you don't have any plans." He then look at me.

"She doesn't have any plans! You guys can go home together." I said.

Dayeon look at me.

"But didn't you said you wanted me to come with you a convenience store?" She ask.

"Well, it seems your brother wants to have some bond with you. Don't worry about me. I still have some stocks of food back at my apartment." I said waving my hands.

"If you want you can come with us. I'm pretty sure we'll pass a convenience store." The guy said.

"Hmm?" I look at him.

"Well that is if you want to..." He trailed.

"I'm Y/n L/n." I told him.

"Oh. I'm Ijin Yu, older brother of Dayeon." He introduced.

Oh shit.

He's older than me.

"Uhhhmm... Are you really sure that I can come with you two?" I ask looking at Dayeon.

"Yeah! I'm sure it'll be fun." She said.


This is killing me.

I thought walking to the convenience store will be comfortable. But this awkward silence is killing me!

"It's awkward isn't it?" I ask but Ijin also ask us.

The two of us look at each other before I chuckle.

"O-of course not! It's not that really awkward!" Dayeon exclaimed completely surprised by the sudden question.

"You don't have to feel so bad. It feels pretty weird for me too." Ijin answered.

"I was nine at the time of the accident, so I don't remember much about you or grandpa. It must be even weirder for you since you were only seven years old." He said.

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