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"So? Are you in?" I ask after telling him my offer.

"Are you sure you want me to protect them?" He asked

"Yeah, considering that you protected the family of Kim."

"Why me?"

"A change of pace could be nice once in a while."

"I'm going to think about it." He said.

"Great! Contact me when you made your decision!" I said cheerfully.

"Okay. Go back now. They must be worried about you." He said dismissing me.

"Alright, have a good night!" I said waving my hands a little before starting to walk.

I walk back to their house.


"I'm back." I said as I take my shoes off.

"Where's Ijin?" Dayeon asked.

"I lost them. I tried to look for them but... I was afraid I might get lost if I wander around too much." I explained to them.

Of course I have to lie.

"Well, that's a good idea. Since you're not familiar around here. Let's just wait for Ijin to come back and hope that those guys didn't do anything to him." Grandpa said

We waited for almost 2 hours. I can feel the anxiousness of the two persons here.

Where did he even go?

We finally heard some footsteps. Dayeon and Grandpa immediately go to the door to open it.

We saw Ijin who was surprised to see us waiting for him.

"Ijin! Are you alright? Did they hurt you?" Grandpa asked him.

"No." Ijin said while smiling.

Of course he wasn't hurt. He's the one who beat them up.

"They seem like dangerous people..." Granpa said who's still not sure if he would believe Ijin.

"They just stopped by to talk."

That talk was really entertaining.

"Something about them didn't feel right. All of us were worried. Y/n tried to follow you but she said you guys were nowhere to be found already." Dayeon stated

She shouldn't have told about me looking for him.

Ijin look at me for a second before smiling at me. I just returned the smile before he turns back his attention to Dayeon.

"You should just worry about getting better. How are you feeling?" He ask Dayeon.

"Oh, much better." Dayeon said scratching her nape.

"Don't worry. You'll never have to fall down the stairs again. I got rid of it all." He said before entering his room.

All of us shared a look before heaving a sigh and get ready to sleep.

Dayeon and I share the bed. The bed wasn't big but it wasn't small either. It's fine for 2 people.

I was getting ready to sleep when my phone buzz.

I look at it and found out that there's a message.

I smile while reading the text.

"Thank you for looking for me. But next time don't do that. We don't know what they're going to do to you if they caught you following."


"It's fine. I'll be careful not to be caught. You need to take care you don't know what they want from you. Anyway, good night!!"

Who are you? (Ijin Yu x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now