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I'm pissed!

Who the hell would believe her reason?!

I'm watching them as Ijin is patching her bruises and scratches. I was silent the whole time. Trying to keep my cool I clench my fist.


I'll fucking destroy you and your family.

"Y/n?" A voice called me.

"Y-yeah?" I said looking back at them.

"I just wanted to ask if you want to stay for dinner?" Dayeon ask.

"No, I have something to do in my house. I was just worried because you missed the day. I was lonely without you at classes." I said slightly chuckling.

"Don't worry! I can attend tomorrow!" She said smiling at me.

"You must take a rest first. You can attend school once you're feeling better." I said.

My eyes landed at her bruises.

I felt my blood boiling.

"I better go now. Take a rest, Dayeon! See you!" I said flashing a smile before leaving the room.

I was about to wear my shoes when I heard a door close.

"Y/n? Wait for me, I'll walk you home." Ijin said.

"No need! Stay here and focus on Dayeon. I can go home on my own. Say my greetings to your Grandpa!" I said standing up straight after I fully wear my shoes.

"I can take you home then, get back here quick." Ijin insist.

I shake my head.

"No. Dayeon needs you besides I don't want you walking back home alone." I said

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah! Totally!" I said

"Then, can you give me your phone number? I just wanted to know if you got home safely." He said.

He wants my number? He could have it from Dayeon though.

"Sure, I don't see a problem in that."

Ijin hands me his phone. I put my number on it and was about to save it but...

"I'll just put my full name here." I said.

"Oh yeah, sure." He said.

After I save it in his contact I gave it back to him.

I waved him goodbye before completely leaving their home.

As I was walking I decided to call someone.

"Good day, Young Miss."

"Good day, Mr. Yoo. Can you give me this girl's data and her family?"

"As you want, Young Miss. Can you tell me the name of this girl?"

"Huijin... Huijin Kim. I want it ASAP." I said with full authority.

"Yes, Young Miss. I'll send you the data in your phone."

"I'll be waiting." I said before hanging up.

I saw my house getting nearer and hurriedly walk.

Once I got inside I text Ijin.

I just got home. How's Dayeon?

Good to know. Dayeon's okay now. She said she can attend tomorrow's class.

Great! Thanks for the update, Ijin! See you tomorrow!

See you :)


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