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I'm at my house.

Even though I don't want to I forgot that I needed to meet up with Mr. Cha so I politely decline and apologize to  her invitation to have a dinner with them.

I seriously think I'm spending more time in their house. When I shouldn't have.

I'm getting ready because I'm meeting up with Mr. Cha. Although, it's pretty late but what should I expect? That guy is nocturnal I bet all he does in day is to sleep.

As I walk into the corner a van suddenly stopped in front of me and yanked me inside of it.

Okay, what the fuck?

They immediately blindfolded my eyes before my sight adjust.

"You know that this is illegal. You're forcing me to go with you." I said.

"We know that, Angel." A deep voice said beside me.

"You know? You even know my alias? Then why did you do this? You guys dumb?" I ask

"Shut up! Shut your trap if you want to live." Someone said.

"Yeah, all of you are dumb." I said with a monotonous tone.

"You're not really scared of dying. I wonder if you'll get scared once we get your friend."



They know her?

Before I ask them the van bump into something or rather someone? Then, I heard some squeals before it completely become silent again.

"Y/n? What are you doing here?" I heard a familiar voice.

"I was shoved inside the van so I don't know if they'll sell me or get my internal organs." I said nonchalantly. It's the MODUS of kidnappers nowadays unless this kidnapping involves on another matter.

"Take off her blindfold." The man from earlier said.

Someone did what the man said and when my sight adjusted I was so close of smacking everyone inside the van when I saw Dayeon who's asleep because of a drug.

Should I be surprise that the reason she's here is because of Yeona?

"I shouldn't ask why you're here but I wanna know how his younger sister caught up in this mess." I whisper trying not to get any attention from the kidnappers.

Yeona Sin.

I warned her already.

"I just wanna warn her about her bro-!" She suddenly stopped talking when I glared at her.

"What did I tell you? Didn't I warned you already? I told you not to involved them in your mess!" I wanted to shout at her.

She might have a good reason why she's with Dayeon but she shouldn't have talk to her outside where there's a lot of danger.

"It wasn't my intention to involve Dayeon." She said.

"You could've told her tomorrow where there's a lot of people! Not where you two are alone! Why are you two alone anyway? Where the hell is Seokju?!" I ask getting pissed every second.

Seokju would never leave this girl side no matter what, so what happened?

"Seokju is with m-" she was cut off by the sudden stop of the van.

The kidnappers lead us to an abandoned place or a warehouse. Typical hideout of criminals.

I can knock these men and save us but Dayeon and Yeona would know my secret. I don't want them to know how bloody my hands are especially when I don't leave any enemies alive.

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