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I left the hospital with a smile on my face.

Even if they take my warning seriously I'll still send this videos to media.

But where in the world did they get those injuries? Rather, who gave them those injuries? Mr. Yoo told me that the person who did it to them was kept private or something.

After I got home I quickly took a shower and get dressed for school. I already told my teacher that I'm gonna miss the morning classes due to a personal reason.

I'm still gonna attend the afternoon classes though.

I got inside the school and I immediately go to our classroom.

Thankfully the next teacher isn't here yet. Dayeon wave at me with a smile.

"Hey!" I greet her.

"Hi! Glad you still made it. Are you done with your chores?" She said

"Yeah. It was hectic and annoying!" I said while chuckling.

"That's great! Grandpa is inviting you in our house. He said that he wanted to throw you a welcome party."

"What welcome party?" I ask tilting my head.

"Didn't you said that you're here in Korea all alone? Well, Grandpa wants to give you a welcome party for coming in Korea." She said with a smile.

"Are you guys sure? I mean aren't I bothering you three?"

"Not at all! In fact Ijin is really in on this and so was I!"

"Alright. I'll come with you guys later."

She cheered a little before giving her full attention to our teacher.


"Y/n how many do you think you got on our quiz?" Dayeon ask as we were organizing our things.

"Perfect." I said

"Yeah, I mean after our teacher gave the paper you already start answering it. Without any hesitation." She said


"Well all I really do in my house is to study. That's why I got in here in the first place." I said looking down.


"Let's go now? Ijin must be waiting for us." Dayeon smiled.

"Yeah! Let's go!"

I shook my head in attempt to push all the negative thoughts behind.

As we walk and laugh I caught a glimpse of a silver hair.

There he stands.

Ijin Yu.

"Ijin!" Dayeon walk towards him while I walk behind her.

"Hi. Ready to go?" He ask and looks at me.

"Yeah, we're ready."

As we were walking Dayeon was talking about what we'll eat.

"So I was thinking... Maybe we should do a sleepover at our house." Dayeon said.

"Am I not a bother."

"You're not a bother." Ijin and Dayeon said.

I chuckled before nodding my head

"I guess I'll sleep in your house for tonight!"

Dayeon clapped as she laugh softly.

We walked for a couple of minutes before we reached their house.

Who are you? (Ijin Yu x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now