Walking home

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Now you guys must be asking why did their Grandpa ask me that question.

Let me enlighten you by having a little flashback.


"Are you sure you want me in your house?" I ask.

"Yes! Grandpa would be delighted to know that I made a new friend." Dayeon said smiling at me.

"But, how am I supposed to greet him? You know I learned about your language but not the way you guys should move. How can I greet him in a respectful way?" I ask.

In all my life I've been respectful to like what? 5 people? And those people are the ones who really earned my respect. Of course, I've been politely but that doesn't mean I give them any respect.

"You'll be fine. Grandpa's not mean. He's the kindest man I know." She said.

"I- nevermind." I dismissed.

"Is this your home?" I ask.

"Yep, come on!" Dayeon pulled me inside while his brother only follow us.

"Welcome home-! Oh my! Who is this?" Their Grandpa ask.

I immediately gave a bow and introduce myself.

"I'm Y-Y/n L/n. Dayeon's friend. I'm sorry for coming here without notice, Sir." I said. I never felt nervous in front of someone.

"I'm glad. Please come in! This is the first time Dayeon brings a friend in our house." He said while giving me a smile.

I can tell that her grandpa is kind just like what she said.

"I'm sorry, our house is kinda dirty." He apologise.

"Oh no! I don't think it's dirty. I don't see any dirt in your house, Sir." I said.

I look around their house.

It's not big but it's not small either. Perfect for their family. Well, as long as they are together, I guess they don't care about it.

"Dinner is ready, let's go eat." I tensed up when I heard what he said.

The food is not much but enough for the four of us.

I took a seat beside Ijin as Dayeon already sat beside her Grandpa. Leaving me no choice of sitting beside Ijin.

Both of us shared a look before directing our eyes somewhere.

Their Grandpa ushered us to eat.

I was just about to eat when I notice that they were looking at me.

"Uhmm is there something wrong?" I asked them.

I suddenly felt insecure about the stares.

"Oh no! We just wanted to know if you like the taste of our food." Dayeon quickly explain.

I tasted the food.

"It's great! Greater than my dad's cook." I complimented.

It's true. Dad doesn't know how to cook. But he wants to learn.

"Thank you. I'm glad you like the food." Their Grandpa heaved a sigh.

I smiled at him. Then I notice a someone was staring at me.

I first look at Dayeon, but she's saying something to her Grandpa. Then, I look at Ijin next just to see him smiling at me.

Our eyes met and I also gave him a smile. We didn't notice that his Grandpa was looking at us

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