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I walk up to my desk and see that the chair besides me is empty other than some school supplies.

"Hey, where's Dayeon?" I ask a classmate of ours while wiping my hands.

"Oh she said she's going to do something." She answered.

"Hey did you hear? Huijin is at it again. I heard she called Dayeon again and make the girl come with her."

I heard another classmate said.

I suddenly got a bad feeling.

"Where did they go?!" I hurriedly ask.

Because of the rush my handkerchief fell out of my hands.

I immediately dash out of the room and run towards the place our classmate said.

That bitch!

I arrived at the place panting and trying to catch my breath.

"-which would explain why our little Dayeon is acting up now. It's too bad... Because your sorry-ass brother is in for one hell of a welcoming to JHS High."

I tensed up.

Are they planning to do something bad to Ijin?

"What's that supposed to mean?" Dayeon ask.

"Do you have any idea who your brother screwed with yesterday? They're my brother's friends... And they should be paying a visit to your brother right about now." She said smiling to Dayeon.

I pick up an empty can and threw it with a full force on Huijin's head.


"Oww! What the hell!? Who-?!" She winced and look around just to see me walking up to her.

"Why the hell are you bullying Dayeon?!" I ask furiously. I pushed her away before helping Dayeon to stand up.

"Don't mess with me, new girl! You d-!"

"What are you trying to do to my brother?!"

"Shut your trap you worthless bitch!" She yelled trying to slap Dayeon.

But before she can do that I hold her arm stopping her from it.

"Don't hurt her." I seriously said.

I hate seeing someone getting bullied!

"Don't fucking interrupt me!" Huijin yelled trying to get out of my grasp.

Instead of letting her go I tightened it and twisted it making her yelp.


"Don't worry about them! Go to your brother!" I said to Dayeon. She nodded and ran towards her brother.

"Shit! Let go of me! Arghh!" Huijin yelped in pain. She scratched me on my face and arms using her other hand.

I kicked her in the stomach and let her go before following Dayeon.

Truth to be told I'm also worried about Ijin. I can tell that he's a kind person.

I remembered his room.

I saw Dayeon standing at the door

"DAYEON! IJIN!" I yelled.

Ijin look at me and saw the scratch on my face and arm.

The scratches stings a bit but it doesn't really matter right now.

"Y/n? What-?"

"Jeez, is your sister and your girlfriend here because they're worried for you? Goodness, you got a hot girlfriend." A guy said.

"Goddamn bitches! You two made me run through half the school." Huijin said as she caught up with us.

"Oh! And after that! You watch me beat your girlfriend." Huijin added while smirking at me.

"As if I'd let you do that!" I said.

"Ijin. Y/n, I'm sorry. I dragged you into this." Dayeon said tearing up.

"What a drama queen." Huijin said rolling her eyes.

I look at Ijin. I don't know how much can Ijin can fight. That's why I'm worried.

"Dayeon. You have nothing to be sorry for." Ijin said.

In just a matter of second Ijin already delivered a first blow making the other thugs stand in surprised.

"They're the one who should be sorry, not you." He finished.

One by one the thugs are trying to attack him. But they just got beat up by Ijin.

"I hear my sister's having a hard time thanks to you." Ijin said making the siblings flinch under his gaze.


"So, I guess you're really good at fighting." Dayeon said.

We are now walking to our classroom.

"Well, I guess so."

"I'm sorry again." She said.

"For what?" Ijin ask then look at me as if he's asking me if I have any idea on what she's sorry for.

I shrugged.

"Because I dragged you into this mess... Yesterday you had to fight because of me... And now this happened." She said while playing with her fingers.

"Don't say that. It's supposed to be this way." Ijin said.

"Back where I used to live... Everyone had their own Interest at heart. They never cared about what happened to others. As long as they didn't have to suffer. But even those people would act differently sometimes... And that was when their own family is involved." He said turning his head towards his sister.

Family huh?

I do have a family but at the same time I feel like I don't. I have my dad by my side. Maybe that's enough. I don't really need my mother.

"Y/n?" Dayeon looked at me.

"Hmm? What's up?" I ask smiling at her but winced when I felt the scratch from earlier

"Is your cheeks okay? It's kind of bleeding."

"Oh?" I touched my cheeks and feel a liquid.

I look at my arms to see it was also bleeding. Not too much tho.

I'm surprised that Huijin got a sharp nails

I was about to wipe the small blood that trickled down to my cheeks when a handkerchief was placed on it. I look at the person who did it.

Ijin was standing beside me while gently wiping my cheeks.

"Thank you for helping my sister." He said looking straight into my eyes.

I can feel my face heating up.

"It was nothing. She's my friend. Of course, I need to help her." I said

"If I don't know the two of you. I would also be convinced that you two are dating." Dayeon suddenly said.

I look away from Ijin. I can feel that I'm blushing.

"We're fine now! You can go back to your classroom!" I said then link my arms with Dayeon and wave at Ijin.

Dayeon wave at him then entered our classroom.

We got back in our seat.

I think I have my handkerchief in my pocket.

"Huh?" I pulled out a handkerchief.

I thought it was mine but I saw my handkerchief under my table.


How can Ijin slip this in my pocket without me noticing it?

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