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The looks that the guy is giving me is the same look everytime my target is in the door of death.

"Black coffin suits you, don't you think?" I said as I pull out the knife before quickly stabbing him on his side.

He tried to throw a punch but I was fast enough to duck down and avoid it. I immediately kicked his fibula. It was hard enough to hear a crack.

Just from there he stumbled down. I stand up properly while he lay down holding his lower leg. I look at him and noticed that he's shaking from the pain I've caused him.

He's shaking.


Because he should be

I noticed that Ijin and Seokju are still looking at me. I gave a heavy sigh before pulling a hidden knife on my boots.

"Head shoulders knees or toes~~" I sang playfully.

"It's your choice to make. Head? Shoulders? Knees? Or toes?" I ask him playing the knife in my hand.


"Answer. I don't have the patience to wait for long. Don't let me decide on what I'm gonna do to you." I snapped at him.

"What are you going to do with him?" Seokju intervened by asking me

Bloody stupid.

"I'm asking him aren't I? But if he's not gonna answer might as well decapitate him since he'll be useless. It's the fastest way for him to die and it'll be more quiet if I do that." I look at Seokju and let out an evil smile.

"For someone who's being called as an angel you look like a devil when you smile like that. I have to stop you since we need to ask him some information." Seokju said.

"That's dumb. Do you think this guy would talk?"

By torturing him, maybe? But if he's a loyal dog I'm not sure.


"Fine, have him. It's not like I'm gonna have some fun with killing him." I muttered the last part before walking towards them.

I just took a few steps before I heard the man laugh.

"It sure is fun to play with you, Angel, but I have to stop playing." The man said as he pulls out his gun.

"Come on, man. Really? Gun? Just because you lost hand to hand combat you're gonna pull that stuff now? Pretty pathetic if you ask me." I said

"YOU'RE DEAD!" He yelled

Before I get to do anything a knife suddenly hit the man in his shoulder. It was Ijin who threw the knife as he immediately took action to disarm this man and knocked him off.

Gosh, I totally forgot about him.

I didn't given him any attention as I rush beside Dayeon.

"You two can open your eyes now." I said to Dayeon and Yeona.

I took a back down a little when I realize that Ijin move closer to Dayeon.

Dayeon opened her eyes and saw Ijin infront of her.


"I came to take you home."

"You're bleeding... Are you okay?" Dayeon ask slowly touching his brothers cheek.

"Huh? Oh... Yeah, I'm okay." Ijin said.

She turned to me.

"How about you, Y/n? Are you okay? Did you fight that guy?" She ask, eyes full of worries.

I smiled a little before nodding.

I was quite surprised when she shed tears. It must've been too scared. I'm hoping that she won't have any trauma.

I noticed Yeona and Seokju looking at them.

I glared at them making them flinch and avoid my eyes.

I'm gonna have a talk with this two, especially with Yeona's grandfather.

Soon enough the security team from Yeona's company arrived.

Dayeon held my hand as I guide her to a doctor.

I was focusing on her.

This is too much for someone like Dayeon.

We were advice to go to a psychiatrist.

Ijin and Dayeon go there first.

I was left behind to deal with something else.

"Take me to the chairman's office." I demand to the head of the team.

"But Ma'am-"

"Why would you need to talk to my grandfather?" A voice said behind me.

"To talk about your foolish move."

"Then talk to me about it." Yeona said.

"I don't want to talk to you."

"It's about me. Talk to me not my grandfather." She said.

"You want me to point out your stupidity in front of your face? Fine! Where do you want me to start?" I raised my voice.

I'm losing my patience here.

"Wherever you want to start, because I don't have any idea why do want to talk to my grandfather about this!" She claimed.

"An innocent person was drag into this mess! Dayeon got kidnapped when she's supposed to be at home and resting right now! She got into your mess because of your selfishness! You want to warn her about Ijin? Why? Who are you to interfere with their family?!" I yelled.

"You ran a background check to Ijin because he wasn't on your files? Why didn't you double check first before you went to school?! They wouldn't accept Ijin if they think he wasn't part of the family! Dayeon is not dumb enough! They got a DNA for sure! Their grandfather would know if Ijin is not his grandson!" I added.

"Y/n." Seokju got in front of Yeona.

"There! You always allow Yeona to do things she shouldn't! You always give in to her wishes even though you know you shouldn't!" I said.

"She's my friend!" Yeona yelled.

"I'm also her friend, Yeona. If I know that Ijin is not a good person I will tell her at a right time. Where I know both of us are safe! You just thought of telling her your suspicion without any proof? Without thinking it through? Look at where it lead you. Yeona, are you even thinking when you invited her out alone at night? You know you always gets kidnapped! Didn't you thought of that?" I asked her.

"What do you know? What do you know about the feeling of being scared? You grew up without having any emotions." She said looking at me

"I know that feeling, because I'm scared. They both learned a side of mine that I kept as a secret. If there's anything that would change between our friendship? You better say goodbye to Korea because I will make sure that you're going back to America again." I said and turned my back on them.

I feel so frustrated.

"This is my last warning Yeona. Don't get them involved in your mess. If this happens again expect that you won't step in Korea again." I said as clenched my fist and walk away from the place.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2023 ⏰

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