TCSDL - Chapter 10

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After the incident, Arthit vowed to get Kong back to his old self. He started encouraging Kong to explore new things and keep himself occupied. Arthit made sure the none taunts Kong about the unhappy instance.

Soon, the couple celebrated their 5th anniversary. Kong was also over from the grief; he had accepted that one day he too will be blessed to carry a child.

It was all Arthit's constant nagging and support that Kong is ok now. Arthit frequently affirmed to Kong that all that happened was not because of Kong's fault. It is something that was meant to happen hence it did. He assured Kong that no one is blaming him. There is still a chance for both of them. Arthit promised Kong that there is no rush to retry right away for a baby. He will wait till Kong is completely recovered and till then they are there for each other.

Even though Kong knows that the miscarriage he faced was not because of his fault, deep down there was guilt feeling. He was questioning each and every single thing that he did during the period. He was having a lot of 'what ifs' thoughts running all through his mind.

Finally, through his P's multiple attempts he finally came out of the grief. The miscarriage will definitely be there as a moment of his life, but he has now learned to keep it aside and move on so that his future will be bright.

After a lot of further thought, one day Kong initiates a discussion with his P.

"P... can we go to another gynecologist and get a second opinion about everything that happened? I know it will not result in anything, but just for the sanity of my mind can we do it P?"

"Hey love, if that is what brings me my Kong back, I am ready to do that. Let us check for some recommendations with friends"

From one of their colleagues, they get a good recommendation and Arthit takes the earliest available appointment. Both of them visit the doctor on the mentioned date with all the documents.

After listening to their history and going through the documents, the doctor asked them what is sugar control medicine Kong was put into. Kong replied, there was none. Then doctor briefed that with the sugar results it was something that was meant to happen, if it did not then maybe during the later stages something else would have happened. The doctor also shared many stories where people ended up carrying till the end and after delivery losing the baby. She was making the couple, especially Kong see and understand the complications involved in all simple pregnancy periods.

Both Kong and Arthit felt comfortable with the doctor. Kong then asked when can they start trying for the next baby surprising Arthit.

The doctor's reply was "You can start right away as I do not see any complications or issues with you or your husband". They both thanked the doctor and bid goodbye.

After they returned home, Arthit asked Kong "Are you sure about what you asked doctor baby?"

"Yes, P. I am ready. Unless you are not ready, we can wait" replied Kong.

Arthit pulled Kong into a tight hug and kissed him.

It was a couple of months after the doctor's visit and they have started trying for a baby. But nothing has turned positive so far.

Kong realizes that it is his P's birthday in a month's time (Arthit's birthday is in October) and wanted to make some special surprise arrangements. As the first step, he goes to the doctor and checks if he is all fine and able to get pregnant. With the confirmation that he receives from the doctor and some prenatal vitamins, he returns home.

Kong quickly hides the vitamins and freshens up himself. He is wearing an oversized tank top and pants that belong to his P. He knows that Arthit loves to see him in this attire and always found it seductive.

Swaying his butt, he stood there in the kitchen working on getting the dinner done. That was the sight that welcomed Arthit. He understood what his love is trying to do. He slowly walked toward Kong and hugged him.

He turned Kong and captured him in a kiss, - the kiss, unbearably fragile and one with loads of spikes of sensation. There are no words, only smooth sensations. Tender, like the tickling lick of a kitten. Kong feels powerless, his P is kissing him and he is kissing his P. They are standing in the middle of the kitchen, giving and getting every kiss they have ever gotten or given; Kissing: fast, hard, deep, frantic, long, and slow. They are tasting the lips, the mouth, and the tongue.

Kong slowly puts his face on Arthit, and taking his other hand guides him into the bedroom ensuring the fire is put off in the kitchen. (Safety first:-D)

Entering their abode, Arthit soon takes control and tugs Kong into himself. He then pins Kong towards the wall and starts kissing him with all his emotions. He pulls Kong's top and his hastily. His lips find their way back to Kong. Slowly they trail towards Kong's nipples. Arthit starts sucking them badly.

A noise escapes Kong, a deep sigh–like air rushing out of him. Kong is enjoying this. Arthit's is kissing Kong's belly, tonguing the belly button. Kong reaches Arthit – there is an incredible eccentricity when they touch simultaneously. Kong too touches Arthit and preps him with kisses all over. Soon Kong's knees buckle and he collapses onto Arthit.

Arthit carries Kong onto their bed and continues kissing him and touching him in all the curves and sensitive parts. Arthit starts pulling Kong's pants off. Kong is lifting his hip and the pants are tossed off onto the floor. Soon Arthit's also follows the same suit. He then climbs on top of Kong and starts grinding their members, humping them, while his mouth and hands keep Kong pleasured.

Arthit reaches under Kong's to get a better grip and access. He then starts preparing Kong. He slowly enters one finger and starts thrusting into Kong. Soon one finger turns to two and two become three. Arthit increased the speed of his fingers thrusting into Kong, each time trying to hit Kong's prostrate.

Kong was arching himself, holding onto the headboard of their bed giving better access to Arthit.

"P... I am going to cum now. Please enter into me P..." Kong was begging Arthit.

Arthit, however, wanted Kong to cum first, he continued slipping in and out of Kong more quickly and more vigorously Resulting in Kong cum.

Once Kong came and as he starts to relax, Arthit swiftly enters Kong in a single thrust. Kong's flash-frozen at the summit of sensation, his body stunned by the sudden single thrust of Arthit. Kong wraps his feet around Arthit. They both press onto each other, Arthit slowly puts his hand on Kong's and intertwines them all the while he is moving in and out of Kong. Arthit drives himself deeper into Kong, hitting his pleasure point every single time. And soon they cums together. Arthit empties his whole seeds into Kong. He then holds Kong tightly and kisses him.

"I love you baby and that was one of our best" he teased.

"I love you too P'Oon and I agree".

After their activity, when his P had gone to get himself cleaned, Kong had a positive feeling throughout his body. His heart saying what he planned to do is going to happen.

He did not ponder much on the thought, he decided he will face it when the time comes and drifted back to sleep once his P came back.


To be Continued...

From the Author: That is a wrap of Chapter 10. It is a simple cliché story based on some true events.

Apologies if this story is short or long.

Please share your comments on how you think about the plot and story. Request you all to read, share your views, encourage, like and vote. See you soon with the next chapter.

Bye - Lux1986

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