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It was obvious that jeongguk wasn't aware of where he was sleeping and who was with him at the moment, the sleepiness was probably clouding his brain a little too much. But he was comfortable, so who would taehyung be to push him away when the angel found his place on the other's tummy again.

And yes, jeongguk seemed to enjoy this position, but taehyung could absolutely not understand why. The angel was literally sleeping on top of his organs, there was no sqishy fat or muscles or anything, just skin. While it was obvious, that the merman had gained a lot of weight over the past weeks, he was still very close to being underweight.

A small stomach could only fit so much after all.

But right now it apparently wanted to fit something. Because it growled. And jeongguk shifted.

"No, sleep!" Taehyung panicked and patted his head quickly. He felt like a parent that didn't want his baby to wake up because it would scream as soon as it did.

Well, jeongguk probably wouldn't scream. Hopefully. At least he shouldn't.

But luckily he didn't seem like he would wake up any time soon, so taehyung let out a relived sigh.

Judging by the light coming from between the blinds in front of the window, it must be the next morning. Which also explained his growling tummy.

Should he wait until jin or jimin would wake them up?

He could get up by himself, but then he would have to wake jeongguk up. Taehyung had always hated to wake up others because he himself would get upset every time his sleep was disturbed.

In the end he just fell back asleep. An easy solution for the problem.

They must have slept for quite a lot after that, because when they woke up the next time, the sun didn't see the blinds as a barrier anymore. The whole room was lit up, shining right onto jeongguk's face.

Way too hot and way too bright.

The angel groaned and shifted around to escape the light, covering his head with the blanket. He got startled a little when he could suddenly feel taehyung's skin against his cheek because he had been sleeping on top of the blanket the entire night, but it only took a few seconds for him to get used to it. It was nice. He couldn't really breath underneath all the fabric, but it was nice.

Maybe jimin and jin would let them sleep for a little while longer.


I am really really sorry for not making this story any spicier than it is but my friend, my sister and my mother are reading this and even if they want me to make it spicy, I can't. Bear with me. I'll try to get us some action, but I can't promise anything.


mafia's mermaid//taekookWhere stories live. Discover now