Chapter 5

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Hello guys!! New chapter for you!! Hope you like it. Feel free to comment and give me some ideas for the next chapters.


Chapter 5:

I opened my eyes feeling hot. I felt a body on top of me making me almost jump. But I quickly calmed down when I recognized Yelena.

Wait. Yelena?
The event from last night quickly comes back and I remember us falling asleep watching grey's.

Her body is laying on mine and her arms are hugging my waist.

I don't have time to think more that I feel her move. She raise her head and look at me for a few seconds.

She quickly realize where she is and in which position and immediately start to panic.

"I'm so sorry" she said before running out of the room.

"Yel-" I don't have time to finish that she's already out of the room.

I got up, got dressed and brushed my teeth before going downstairs to try to find yelena.

I enter the living room and see steve, pepper and Wanda eating their breakfast and talking.

"Hey! As anyone saw yelena?"
"Uhm no. Why?"

"Uh I need to- to talk to her about... training" I quickly find an idea.

Wanda looked at me and I instantly knew that she knows that I'm lying.

I kissed her cheek so she doesn't focus on me lying.

"Y/n eat something please" pepper said making me roll my eyes. She's like a mom to me. To us. I really love pepper. She takes care of me and my sister like we're her kids and I really love that.

"Fine" I said sitting down taking a few pancakes on the table.

After a few minutes Natasha enter the room.
"Where is yelena?" I immediately asked.

"Well hi to you too"
"Sorry. Hi. Where is yelena?"
"She's in her room. What is up with you?" She asked making my cheeks turn a little red but I quickly hide it and answer nonchalantly.

"We have to train together today"
"Well she should come back soon"
She said sitting next to Wanda.

"Okay. No problem"

When I finished my breakfast I went in my room to put training clothes.

I went to yelena's room and knocked on her door but got no answers so I just went downstairs in the training room.

I ran a few minutes, did a few abs and went on the punching ball.

After a few minutes nat and Wanda joined me.

"Shall we spare little Maximoff?" Nat asked me. "Sure Tasha" I said back.

We start sparing a few minutes. Of course she takes me down a few times but I manage to put her in difficulty and I'm proud of myself. I mean she's the black widow, hand to hand fight is her thing.

I really progressed since I'm at the avengers compound. In either my power, my skills fight but in my social anxiety too.

Hydra was a really hard part for me and my siblings. Then pietro died.

My first weeks at the compound were awful. I had panic attacks almost every day, nightmares every time I slept.

I still have a strong anxiety but the avengers really helped me through this.

My sister was in the same state as me and I hated seeing her like this. Then nat came in. Wanda fell in love with her and nat fell in love with my sister.

I think they're the cutest couple and I hope one day I'll live this with someone.

I was scared at first because I thought that my sister would leave me and it'd not be like before but she didn't. She stayed the same and we became even closer than before.

Anyway. Back to the training room. I'm sparing with nat since a few minutes.

I hear the door open and see yelena entering the room. My attention instantly shift towards her and nat take the chance to slam me on the ground.

"Never let your guard down."

"I know I know" I get up and I do an eyes contact with yelena.

She blushed and quickly looked away awkwardly.

Well that's gonna be a good training.

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