Chapter 28

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Y/n pov:

« Y/n wake up » I heard someone shaking me.

I opened my eyes and saw nat looking worried.

« Steve called me. He needs us »
« What happened? Where is yelena? » I said as I noticed that she's not next to me.

« She's in the living room with Wanda and my parents »

« So what am I supposed to do? » I said getting up.

« Suit up » she said before leaving my room.

I put my suit on and head downstairs.

« So what happened? »
« I don't know, an hydra base who kidnap people to train them and create war machines »

« Like Bucky? » I asked
« Yeah. The base is in Germany. We will go to the compound first to make a plan »

« Are you coming? » I asked to Melina and alexei.
« No sweetie, we're not a part of the avengers. But if you need help, give us a call » Melina answered.

We pack our things and get ready to leave.

I hug Melina and alexei goodbye « thank you so much for being so welcoming »

« You're welcome honey. Come back whenever you want » Melina answered.

Everyone say their goodbyes and we head to the jet.

« You okay love? » I asked lena seeing her sitting in her seat looking down.

« Yeah, I'm just gonna miss my parents » she said making me smile sadly.

« We can go see them whenever the emergency tony called us for is finished » I said.

« Yeah » she said putting her head on my shoulder.

A few hours later...

We finally landed in the compound after a few hours.

I've fallen asleep during the whole time so I'm now ready to fight.

When we enter the room, we see fury with almost the whole team.

Tony, Maria, Carol, Pepper, Bucky, Sam, Steve, Bruce, Peter, Scott and hope were all here looking at us.

Pepper was the first to get up and hug us. The team seems to be really concentrated so it must be an important mission.

« so, what's up nick? » I asked as we all sit down.

« Hydra is back » he said making me sigh. They'll never leave us alone.

Before someone could talk again, we heard something fell. We all turned to the noise and saw a bomb.

« EVERYONE DOWN » Maria yelled before we all tried to protect us.

In only a few seconds, the time seemed to stop. Yelena took me and we jumped behind the couch.

Then the bomb exploded. That was like we were in slow motion, I saw nat jumping over Wanda to protect her and tony throwing his suit over pepper.

And then everything went black for a few seconds. My ears were ringing like crazy and I was in a sort of trance.

I tried to breath but just coughed because of all the dust.

Something was over me. I opened my eyes only to see more dust and everything was troubled.

I reached my hand forward to try to feel yelena.

After a few seconds, I finally felt something. I tried to call her but she wasn't moving.

I decided to use my wind power to lift the couch over us up.

I looked around trying to find Wanda but nothing.

I went towards yelena and took her face between my hands.

« Come on lena, wake up » I said but nothing, I checked her pulse. She has a pulse, that's a good new, she's just unconscious.

I saw Steve, fury and tony got up and looking around to see who throw this.

« Y/n!? Oh god honey, are you okay? » pepper asked me. Tony's armor protected her so she is fine.

« Yes yes. Where is wanda? And yelena, shes unconscious, we need to take her to the hospital » I said trembling.

« Sweetie, you're in a state of shock, you need to calm down »
« Tony? Go check on Wanda please? » pepper asked him.

« She's not here. Hydra took her » nat cut them off.


Hey guys!! Sorry for the wait I hadn't been inspired, but I am now so more chapters will come soon!!

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