Chapter 32

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« Ready » Aden said confidently

« Okay all you have to do is trust yourself. Be concentrated and think about something that makes you feel at home or safe... »

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

« That's it, focus. I'm here in case you need me » I said as I looked to Wanda, nat and yelena looking at us with smiles on their faces.

After a few seconds, Aden sighed.
« I can't »

« Don't give up buddy. It's hard at first I know. But you can do it. Take your time »

I understand that it's hard for him. He's only 5 after all. But if he's not ready today, he will be later.

He closed his eyes again. But after a few seconds, he sighed in frustration.

« Come on Aden, take my hands » I offered him my hands and he quickly took them.

He looked around his moms and yelena seeing their encouraging looks.

He then looked at me and smiled softly.

I nodded at him and we closed our eyes.

« Take a deep breath. Focus on something that makes you feel happy. Focus on your feet. Breath. Nothing on your mind except what makes you happy. Now focus on your body floating. Breath »

I opened my eyes to see him flying in the air. He's close from the ground but that's a first step.

« Open your eyes hun » his eyes widened seeing that he's flying.

« I- I- I flying » he said before he busted into cute giggles.

« Ma- wanwan, natty look!! »
« Yeah buddy that's amazing!! You did it » nat said.
« Yeah you're so strong » Wanda added.

I see him starting to struggle a little.
« Y/n? I'm tired »
« Okay come down. I got you bub » I caught him and to my surprise, he wrapped his small arms around me.

« Thank you. It's amazing »
« You're welcome buddy. You did so good » I said hugging him back.

After a few seconds, we hear clapping. We turn around to see almost all the team standing here looking at the scene.

« That was amazing Aden » « you're so brave » « you did so good » some praise were heard in the room making Aden smile shyly.

« Hey aden, you did amazing. We will train again tomorrow » I said crouching down in front of him.

« But don't ever do this without me or one of yours mother okay? » I said as I see Wanda and nat's eyes go wide behind Aden.

I don't realize my mistake at first until I meet yelena's glare.

My eyes turn wide as well and I quickly clear my throat awkwardly.

« Okay auntie! Can we play now? » Aden said making me smile widely.

He called me auntie!! I'm so happy. My heart is full right now.

« Of course sweetheart » I hugged him tightly.

« Come on, what do you want to play? »
« Hide and seek!! » he excitedly said jumping up and down.

« You play? » he asked to Wanda and nat « of course sweetie » they answered.

« Yay! Everyone play please » he asked to the team who was watching him.

They all nodded and we played a giant hide and seek in the whole compound.

After 2 hours of playing, we all crouched down on the couch absolutely exhausted.

« I have to say, I won » Tony said.

« No » « you didn't » « no way » were filing the room making tony roll his eyes.

I look around me, trying to spot yelena and find her sitting on one of the couch with Aden on her lap.

He was sleeping his head on her chest. That's actually the cutest thing I've ever seen.

I difficulty got up and walked towards the two. I sat next to yelena and she immediately wrapped her arm around my waist.

I putted my head on her shoulder and we stayed like that for a few minutes until sam putted a movie on.

We watched the movie not daring to move one finger.

At the end of the movie, it was time for dinner but we were all too lazy to move.

« Who's up to cook dinner? » I asked but none of us was motivated to cook.

« Okay how about we order some Chinese? » I proposed after a few minutes of debate.

Everyone agreed « dinner is on me » tony said making nat laugh « of course it's on you mister genius, billionaire, philanthropist » she said making us chuckle.

« You finally admit it » he said and pepper slapped him behind his head making us laugh again.

After this, we ordered the food and in half an hour, the deliver arrived.

Aden woke up and we ate all together just enjoying our night together.

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