° Chapter Two °

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“Are you sure you should be out there right now?”

“I have to, I gotta find anything to help Optimus or maybe find the others. We can't stay down here for long”

Michael averted his eyes to not stare back at the blue optics of his partner. Sighing in defeat, he nodded.

“Alright..just please be safe and be careful! Don't be reckless now, we need each other”

Michael said with a little scolding. Smokescreen chuckled softly and assured him with a smile.

“Don't worry, I won't. And this time, I mean it. I do, alright stay close to Optimus and and anything happens, I'll try my best to reach both of you as fast as I can”

Smokescreen ordered and Michael nodded. “Yeah, I will”

Smokescreen activated his phase shifter and went through the wall. Leaving Michael behind with Optimus. He did deeply sighed and walked back to Optimus and sit beside his huge metallic body.

Pulling his knees closer, he hugged them and watched Optimus. Tilting his head while so, facing the Prime. “I really wish you'd get better Optimus. Right now the time is crucial..and I'm sure we all don't want to lose you..”

He mumbled as he tried to grasp onto hope. In hopes in restoring Jasper Nevada and regrouping with everyone safely.

“Gosh just how much in a big mess am I in now? This is beyond the situations I've been through but I'd prefer to go through this battle than having to deal with haunted animatronics with vengeful children in them, involving with murders and...just anything that has blood”

He continued to murmured to himself, unbeknownst to him that someone in particular was listening.

“Haha..don't mind me talking my heart out Optimus. I..want it out of my chest for a while..”

“Well, I don't think I have a heart now. Not when Ennard literally mess my organs up when they were inside of me”

Michael kept quiet for a while. Scanning the area they were in. For a few minutes, he continued.

“My..family, we used to be happy and loving but that didn't last long. Not until my Father..just changed. I don't really know why and how..that happened. I barely remember my Mother. Dad never mentioned Mom ever since she's out of the picture. It was just me, Dad and my two little siblings. A brother and sister. Funny how back then, I..was rebellious and..such a cruel brother..”

He heavily inhaled when his mind occured to him mentally abusing his little brother.

“I..tormented my little brother. I use his fears against him and tormented him so much..that an accident happened. An awful accident...that got him killed. Because of me”

He started to shake, trying to not let his dark past get through his withered skin.

“I..I shouldn't..have been a good brother. If I had been one, he would still be alive but no, I wasn't and that was just pathetic of me! I..I can't imagine him forgiving me. I can't..I don't seek to be forgiven. All I want is to redeem myself. It may be too late but I've changed, so late that I shouldn't have changed a long time ago. Maybe then, I would also have saved her too. My little sister..”

He paused to take a breather, noticing he was inhaling sharply. About to hyperventilate.

“I have told you and the others before of what happened to my sister..but what really killed her was the creation of my Father's. He called them the Funtime animatronics, they were built not to entertain children but also to capture them. I guess when one child is left alone with one of them, they get captured. Just like what happened to my sister..”

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