° Chapter Eight °

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“Michael! There you are!”

A voice called out snapping Michael's focus from the animatronic. “Huh? Jack?”

He flinch and when his eyes return to Golden Freddy. It was gone. Disappeared. He blinked and it was totally gone.

“They're gone..they really are capable of teleporting do they? It's... actually scary”

“Michael where were you and what are you doing here?”

“Oh sorry, I just wanted to roam around for a bit. Do you guys need me for something?”

Jack shake his head, meaning a "no". “It's just that we thought you must have left the base or something”

“Ah, sorry I can't help it. Anyways uhm has Agent Fowler came back yet?”

Michael asked and Jack raised his eyebrow and answered. “No, not yet but why?”

“I...just want to ask him something. Adult stuffs”

Jack got the bait and nodded. “Oh, I see alright, let's just head back with the others”

They walked back to the main lobby. Seeing the Autobots with Raf and Miko.
They joined Miko and Raf who was watching Ratchet typing on the digital keypads with some images on the monitor. Shaping after a dragon.

“Oh Michael! Where have you been? Thought you were still asleep”

Miko asked and Michael just sighed. “Walking around”

“Anyways come and look at this!”

They saw the images, four of them with all appearing to be dragons.

“From our historical texts”

Ratchet said. “But those are metal versions of creatures from our Greek mythology and medieval literature”
Says Jack and Raf including, “Not dinosaurs”

“How much more did I miss?”

Michael thought feeling so lost on what's happening.

“It would stand to reason that Predacons did indeed walk upon this earth in ancient times. As they seemed to have been basis for much of humankind's folklore”

“Illustrating once again that the pasts of Earth and Cybertron are inextricably linked”

Hours passed and the children are now asleep, soundly on the couch. Michael beside Raf whose leaning against him snores cutely. He smiled and gently and slowly ruffle his hair. “Sleep well Raf”

He stayed put for a moment. Going back into daze, back into reminiscing about Freddy's and how much that name mentally and physically ruined his life.

An ache strike his head as he hissed in frustration and rubbed his temples. Biting his lips while so.

“How I wish I'd actually don't have to deal pain when I'm already dead”

Then a familiar voice called out to the Autobots, letting Michael broke free from his daze as he whip his head around to see the adult he's been searching for.

“Prime! The satellite surveillance has picked up two signs of Decepticon activity. One near an oil field outside of El Paso and the other near Hiberty's Bluffs in Scotland. So don't forget to pack your kilts”

“Wait they're spreading? That's definitely not great”

Michael mumbled and just hearing Agent Fowler's loud voice woke Miko up from her slumber.

“We must divide our resources”

Said the Prime as he turn to his key lieutenant, Ultra Magnus.

“Ultra Magnus, lead the wreckers to the bluffs”

Ordered Optimus as Ultra Magnus nodded. “Yes Optimus” And he turned to the wreckers before looking back at Optimus and casually walked up to him and asked.

“Uhm, what's a kilt?”

Ultra Magnus tilted his helm, unaware what the term means. Michael bit his lips to not laugh as he gripped his pants and not try to wake Raf up.

“I forgot they're a completely different species and they're robots so they don't know some things”

He watched to see if Optimus would answer the commander's question or if Optimus even know what that means as well.

Instead of receiving an immediate answer, he looked at Ultra Magnus then back at Agent Fowler then side glances at the commander before speaking.

“Agent Fowler can at times be oblique. I find it best to simply nod and mobilize”

Michael arch his back and held his laughter from bursting out from his mouth.

“Why do I feel so bad for Optimus?”

Then they were prepared for their missions assigned by Optimus and by Fowler.

Smokescreen spotted Michael and quickly went up to him. “Hey Mike! Just wanted to let you know-”

Michael paused Smokescreen by raising his hand up and smiled. “I heard. Go ahead, I know you'll be careful”

The rookie smiled back and nodded and hurried back to the others as they drove through the ground bridge and sent them to the assigned locations.

Ultra Magnus and his wreckers were going by wheels instead of using the ground bridge. Michael realized Miko is gone and learning Miko more. He panicked as he gently let Raf down the couch and frantically search for the girl.
Then he spotted Miko with WheelJack just by the exit.

Forgetting that he was supposed to meet Agent Fowler and ask permission whether or not he could borrow any transportation to either visit the building or his house. That may be dealt with once he returns Miko.

“Yo! Can I come with?”

Miko asked the wrecker, WheelJack and Michael just arrived.

“Why not?”

“Hold on young lady!”

Both of them turn to see Michael panting as he walked up to Miko. “Oh come on Michael! You've been out before so you know what's it like to be with the Autobots-”

“And the cost of it endangered me and Jack. Honestly I'm not bothered if I were to get killed or captured, I've been worse but you? You're still young Miko! What happens if something happens to you?”

Miko groaned as she rolled her eyes.
“I've been outside multiple times and I'm fine see? You know what? You're coming too”

“Wha- Miko no!”

She grabbed his wrist and yank him along. “Can he come with too?”

WheelJack blinked since he literally just heard and witnessed the small argument between them. “Alright sure”

“What?! But-”

“It's fine. Don't worry about her, she's a tough kid. I've seen her squashed the bug, Hardshell”

He said and Michael sigh in defeat. “Fine...”

Miko cheered and looked at Michael with a smug look. “Maybe this time without getting caught, you'd see real action!”

“More like getting ourselves in danger and wonder what would happened if a huge robot might capture one of us?!”

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