° Chapter Thirteen °

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It's been about two weeks since the incident. Michael is literally quarantined under the medic's watch. Though he wasn't complaining, in fact he appreciated it. He gets to rest more and this time he got some good sleep. The warnings, visions or dreams haven't appeared much lately so it was a breeze for him.

But today, Michael is planning to do something. Which he knows that Ratchet wouldn't like. So, he's gonna have to convince the ambulance to let him go.

Before he could, he searched for Agent Fowler and found him through his office. “Hey, Agent Fowler?” He knocked on the door and heard his voice behind it, muffled.

“Yes? Who is it?”

“It's me, Michael”

“Come in”.

He grabbed the knob and twist it around hearing a click as the door opened creaking slightly then stepped into the office.

Fowler looked up from his desk with papers scattered everywhere on top of it. “What brings you here Michael?”

“I...I want to ask permission from you”

The adult looked at him, “What for?”

Michael fidget with his fingers. “Can I borrow one of your or any cars? I want to..visit my house-”

“You want to what?! No way! You can't leave the base, who knows that an army of Decepticons are out there scouting the area!”

Michael sighed. He predicted that the adult would refused, of course he would. It is dangerous after all to leave the base. But he has to make sure. He wanted to check.

Or else the danger will go to them first.

“I know but hear me out please, Agent Fowler. I appreciate your concern. Really I do, but I really have to go. It's...urgent. It's something to do with me. I promise I'll make it back on time and unharmed”

Fowler looked at him suspiciously. “How urgent? What does it have to do with you?”

He bit his lips, hesitate to answer but he had to. Or else he knew Fowler wouldn't let him go. “It..It's something to do with my Father's creations..”


“Look, the point is. I've been getting voices telling me something out there is looking for me

He said and that perked Fowler's head. He listened. “And I have a feeling what or who could be looking for me. I know it may be hard to believe, even myself. But I have to make sure, that whatever is out there searching for me will be stopped”

The adult fell quiet for a moment. Thinking hard on the decision he's going to make. “What will you do to stop it?”

“I'll figure that out so please, let me borrow any car or vehicle. I don't want to use any of the Autobots to send me there. I don't want to endanger them”

Michael waited and waited for the adult's reply. It took a while that he sighed deeply and looked up at Michael. Meeting his dark eyes.

“Alright, but you better make sure you come back!”

Michael's eyes lit up as he smiled widely and nodded. “Of course Agent Fowler, thank you!”

He saluted as he left the office and was about to head to pick a vehicle but then remembered one last thing to do before leaving.

“Right...this is gonna be tough”

He walked back onto the base and saw Ratchet occupied with the monitor as usual. With most of the Autobots on a mission, another Decepticon activity.

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