° Chapter Twenty-Two °

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At last, Ratchet decide to let Michael out as his chest cavity slide opened and he popped out as he cough out and finally got the chance to tightly grip on his wound.

“Phew, is it safe-oh my god!” While still holding onto his bloodied wound, he saw that everything was in chaos.

Decepticons and Autobots are throwing hands with one another, if not by first to hand combat but by long range attacks. “Michael, I need you to stay here and be hidden!”

Ordered the medic and failed to notice the wound which Michael thankfully hoped for as he was laid off the ground and hid by the corner of one of the tubes. He nodded up at the medic before he turned away and called out for the Prime.

“Optimus! You must use the saber to destroy the omega lock! It is the only way to save Earth!”

But the more Michael stayed by the corner, hidden by everyone's sight, the more he wanted to see the fight. Besides, as much as he know the dangers. He must admit, he's starting to like the adrenaline.

He jogged up and kept his distance by everyone and just by where he is, he can see the omega lock beneath the warship. There he saw Optimus and Megatron having a throw down.

Then he heard a voice, more like whirs and beeps and saw Bumblebee making his way down to reach Optimus while holding the star saber. “Bumblebee..!” He whispered. But no one would ever thought that this would happen.

As Bumblebee glide through across the huge gap to reach the other end. Megatron aim and blasted at Bumblebee's direction with Optimus failed to change the aim.

Michael watched with opened eyes as the blast hit Bee's chest three times as his servo holding onto the star saber loosen.

He wanted to scream for the scout but he can't. He was just too shocked and widen his eyes even more. So were every Autobots as they saw their ally got shot and in the process it seem to scorch his chassis.


Michael suppressed his scream against his will as he fell to his knees and watched as the scout slowly fall and pushed back by the blasts as it set his chassis ablaze before splashing against a pool of energon. His optic's fade out as he was engulfed by energon.

And to add more shock and loss to every Autobot, Michael felt a touch from his back. It was so sudden that he realized he was pushed off the ledge and is falling onto the pool of energon.

He gasped and that alerted the others nearby. The moment the Autobots spotted Michael. Their spark skipped a beat and without any second to spare. Smokescreen pushed away the Decepticons surrounding him and sprint his way trying to reach for Michael.


Smokescreen's voice sounded like an echo in Michael's ears as he knew he was too late as he saw Michael falling further away from the ledge and it was then from the bottom floor that Optimus and Megatron noticed.

Turns out, one of the Decepticons spotted Michael and purposely pushed him off. To add more loss on the Autobots.

Smokescreen reach the edge and watch as his partner was getting further and further away and is nearing to the pool of energon which actually is the synthetic energon. Ratchet and Arcee couldn't utter a word.

Not only did they lost the scout but now it'll be their human ally, Michael. Optimus was already bearing the burden of losing their scout, Bumblebee. Now they're going to lose Michael?

One that lost so much in his life and at this moment, his life will be taken away from him? One that after everything had happened to him, he still moved forward regardless of giving up in a split moment before changing his mind and continue on. He lost his mother, a sister, a brother, a father, his body and now his life?

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