° Chapter Sixteen °

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“Michael, you must escape”

“You must leave”

“They're coming closer”

“Not only will your life be in danger but those close to you will be as well”

“Be strong and be brave”

“You will be free soon”

Back in the base, the others in a mission tried to contact the base but no one was picking up. If not Ratchet then someone else but no one did. Hearing Arcee's voice through the comm link woke Agent Fowler at first but he still seem to be out of his mind which conclude he must have hit his head hard.

Then Bulkhead was next to awake and then Smokescreen. “Arcee...?” Bulkhead voice was low and shallow then Arcee proceed to communicate through Bulkhead's comm link.

“Is everything all right?”

Her voice was heard as Agent Fowler got up and shake his head to brush the dizziness off. Both of the Autobots in the base scanned the area. “Where's Ratchet?” When they scanned the whole area. The medic was nowhere to be found.

Arcee and the other Autobots waited for a reply. Anxiousness grows within all of them. Bulkhead answered the femme.

“He's gone”

Somewhere in a moving warship...

Ratchet is handcuffed to the same berth they did to Soundwave. He gained consciousness and looked up to see Megatron towering over him. He glared at the dark lord, “What do you want from me?”

“Your assistance actually, to help complete a little science project”

“I will never cooperate!”

Megatron turn slightly to the side and a Decepticon came into view, one that Ratchet took a while to realize who it was.

“Shockwave does not require your cooperation to siphon your knowledge, Doctor”

As Shockwave does his business, Megatron turn his pedes away and moved to another direction and stumble into a different area.

Where he saw someone familiar despite only encountered the person once, hanging with two large handcuffs held the person in place, a human.

Beside the human was Knockout. Looking like he's trying to make out of what Michael has become. “How is he?” Asked the Dark Lord. The Decepticon medic noticed his presence and nodded to acknowledge it before answering.

“He's still unconscious Lord Megatron, however, there seems to be no sign of life scanned in him even after we injected him with dark energon last time”

Megatron walked closer to see the the human in closer view. Taking in his intriguing appearance. “It's very fascinating that even the blood of unicron doesn't seem to revive his body”

“Perhaps it just doesn't work on humans unlike us, Cybertronians”

Knockout claimed while continuing to monitor their human prisoner. Then Knockout moved a little closer to their prisoner and with no consent, he carefully and slowly lift the human's shirt up only to yank his servo away in surprise and disgust.

“By the allspark, what is that?!”

Megatron tilted his helm as he approach the disgusted medic. “What did you find Knockout?” The dark lord was confused by the sudden outburst of the medic.

“Y-You might wanna take a look at this Lord Megatron” He lean closer to see what Knockout had saw. With the human's shirt from the side is lifted up, he saw it as well. One that Knockout had saw too.

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