° Chapter Twenty-Nine °

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After long hours ticked by, Michael ended up drifted asleep inside of the chest cavity and woke up in a dark room with the only light source coming from the fluorescent bulb above him.

He turn his head side by side, confusion washed over him as he struggled to get up on his feet without moaning in pain when he stretch his limbs. He take a look and saw cuts and marks from the sharp metals inside the suit. Surprisingly, they really have let him go but deserted him in a room.

That already set Michael on edge. “Why would they capture me and then left me here?” He thought and scanned the environment he was in. The more he was taking in the area he was in. He was suddenly hit a pang of familiarity.

He found himself exploring the dark room he was in. He mostly saw a bunch of papers scattered on the grey tile floor, and some unwanted desks in random spots.

Then he found the door. He hesitated to exit the room at first, so he thought of what to do once he's out of the room. You never know who's or what's behind the door, waiting for you to open it.

After he mustered up enough courage, he twist the knob of the door and pushed it opened and it made a loud creak and that flinched Michael. He waited to hear for any movements nearby that might have heard him. Nothing was heard or came. So he stepped out of the room and then, he settled in into the new area he was in.

His jaw dropped with his eyes widening so much that it could pop out from his eye socket. Michael recognized this room. When he saw some wires of cables hanging by the ceiling and a few sparks from it. It clicked him.

“I'm...back? This is...this is the sister location, Circus Baby's Rentals..”

He shuddered when he remembered his last moment in here. “The night I lost my body and life..” Then he paused momentarily. Confused once again. “Wait how did they know about this place? Why did they bring me here and how did we even get inside?”

He shake the thoughts away and concentrate to find his way out and try to contact the base. But because this sister location is underground, he doubt the signal could get through though he has to try.

He steadily blend into the shadows and make his way around the place. He looked confident on getting out of this place as if he knows the area like the back of his head. If only it was easy getting out though. Not when those animatronics could be anywhere.

He checked in each room and continued to the next. Most of them were now empty, unwanted. Perhaps after losing their employee and their animatronics, they probably shut this down and abandoned it afterwards.

He then stumble into a ventilation ahead of him and he knew where this would take him. But he didn't want to go there just yet so he head to the opposite direction and find himself in a room that was once an office but the moment he got inside. He screamed but covered his mouth to muffle the noise. Stepping away from what he had saw. A body

A dead body was just peeking out from the desk. After having that registered in his head, he slowly got around to see the body. It was a man in the uniform that Michael once wore when he worked here.

But the sight was disturbing, the body looked like it had burst by something through the inside. Like a balloon exploded due to the huge amount of water inside. He can see the dry blood around the corpse. The man's mouth was wide opened with his eyes rolled back.

Michael shivered and looked away but take one more glance at the man. There he saw the name tag on the side of his chest. Reading 'Stanley' and once he was done, he left the room and shut the door. Before exhaling heavily like he's been holding his breath.

“I need to get out..”

Time passed by without Michael even bother to remember that time existed. He eventually passed through the ventilation and stumble into the control module.

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