° Chapter Twenty-Five °

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It's not even a day and no one but Michael realize how hunting a single animatronic would be troublesome. And not only will it be troublesome but they won't know how complicated it would be once they're mixed up in the mess of Freddy's.


Smokescreen commented when he saw the pool of blood scattering further around the field. As Agent Fowler reported everything they find to the commander and those higher than him in the military excluding the Autobots.

“So what now?”

Asked the rookie as he was kneeling on one kneepad as he was beside Michael who was trying to analyze the situation. “We follow the trail”

“What? What if the animatronic is leading us to a trap?”

“Well maybe it's why Smokescreen is here, I'm sure he can handle an animatronic. He's literally a bunch time bigger than an animatronic”

Michael said which made the rookie smiled and nodded. “Yeah! I'm here to protect you two, don't worry too much Agent Fowler”

The adult sigh and gave in. “Alright, let's do it” Agent Fowler and Smokescreen drove alongside the trail of blood as they followed. Leading them further away from the military base and stopped at the middle of an empty town. They exited their vehicle and looked around.

“It stopped here-”

Michael flinch which in return as well startled the adult. “Wh-What? What did you find?”

“Oh god, look!”

Michael pointed to a huge grave which he immediately recognized. It's exactly the same graves that he had saw at that burnt building. It was aligned beside an empty house.

“What the? What's a grave doing here and it's quite big for an average grave should be”

Fowler rubbed his neck, confused of why would a grave be dug beside a house on top of that when it should be done in a cementery.

“Exactly, it's not meant for humans but for them”

”Them? There's more?!”

“I'll explain later. But first we need to investigate this town. There could be anything out of the ordinary”

They walked around as they stay close to each other not wanting to split up. Not when that creature could be anywhere and snatch one of them away, even if they were together. Once they're inside of the stomach, it's over.

Just as they were about to leave now that the sun is setting. Michael noticed a glimpse of something laying just by the dark corner of a house under a roof.

He nudge Fowler, signalling him to follow Michael as he led the adult to what he saw. The moment they got closer, Agent Fowler couldn't help but let out a surprise and terrified squeal of what they discover.

A dead body of the soldier.

His body was stretched in a ghastly posture on his back with his limbs contorted impossibly. It was just an awful sight to see.

The soldier's body is drenched with blood. His uniform were torn with scratches and cuts. It looked like it was shredded opened.

Michael moved closer and knelt down beside the body, not bothered by the smell of the corpse. He's already a corpse himself and he's used to the disgusting smell. Which for Fowler's case, he brought a handkerchief with him and covered his nose and breath through his opened mouth and followed after Michael.

His hand neared to the neck of the soldier and lift his chin away from the neck and as he expected, he saw it. The marks. Peering at the soldier's neck, it showed a deep curved gash.

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