° Chapter Nine °

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“My leg is starting to cramp...”

Michael and Miko were cramped together, inside of WheelJack's chest cavity which was a fit for a human to hide, surprisingly. But this time Michael is sharing the space with Miko so it's quite tight inside.

“You don't say huh?”

“Well you're a living corpse so you probably won't feel cramps or something!”

They whispered while holding on for dear life inside of the chest cavity. They can tell that a fight is going on without the obvious clinking, clashing, banging and blasters outside and how WheelJack is moving non-stop.

“When will the fight end?! Actually more like, why did I get dragged into this?!”

When everything fell quiet and WheelJack stop moving. Miko banged against the wall of the chest cavity while Michael looked like he's vomited after a hangover disaster.

“Well I feel dizzy instead of having leg cramps..”

WheelJack just remembered and realized that he brought humans with them. “Ah bolts..”

The chest cavity slide opened which Miko appeared out of it and gasped for oxygen. As she inhaled and exhaled rapidly and deeply to gain some oxygen into her tired lungs with Michael still laying after having to deal with such movements that made him dizzy.


Bulkhead frown upon seeing his human partner and glances at Ultra Magnus to see his reaction only to see a blank expression.

Bulkhead turn to face WheelJack and looked at Miko. “Knowing you Miko, is there a chance you brought him too?”

Miko struggled to answer while catching her breathes. “Y-You bet'cha!”


The person Bulkhead mentioned raise up and appeared beside Miko. Looking exhausted as ever as if he's done weight training. WheelJack then carefully let them onto his servos and walked to a nearby boulder and let them down there.

“Forgot you were in there kid, and you as well”

“At least I didn't heave on any floor mats this time”

Miko said and just after that she covered her mouth to prevent something escaping her oesophagus and leave through her mouth. About to vomit.

Michael sighed and crank his neck side to side. “I tried to stop Miko but instead she dragged me into this..”

As Michael tried to aid Miko to catch her breath and ease the nauseousness. WheelJack is confronted by the commander, once again.

“And what could have possibly compelled you to bring the natives”

WheelJack rolled his eyes as he remembered how Miko and Michael got dragged into this mission.

“Are your circuits impaired soldier?”

WheelJack shake his helm as he brought his senses back. With Michael watching while patting Miko's back as she kept gagging.

“Prime told you to lead the wreckers on this one. I assumed he meant all of them”

He said showing Miko, as she finally got her breath back and feel better. She smiled, Michael backing away.

“I'm definitely not a part of this, nope! I tried to stop Miko but yeah didn't went well”

Miko had her hands on her hips, feeling proud that WheelJack claimed her as one of the wreckers.

“Well except that she dragged Michael into this”

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