Chapter 15

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Naruto's POV

The loud cheering and some of them throwing beer cans because of over excitement is now starting to scare me off. How can they enjoy a beast ripping off flesh from some lowly creature?

I can't think of going back safe after being involved in a fist fight with Kiba who is aggressive and has anger issues. I'm in a cage with a tiger who is eager to kill that I can already realize seeing Kiba's eyes being lighten up. Seeing it I can feel that he wasn't aware about me going up against him.

And turning my head to the other side I can see Sasuke sitting with a glass of whiskey in his hand enjoying the view in front of him with a dangerous smirk on his face. Once again I'm a victim here.

Sai comes into the arena with a smile on his face and half closed eyes. He's rubbing both of his hands together. He says,"Let's keep ourselves quiet until the fight begins!" The crowd goes silent. He says being satisfied with their obedience,"So let's have a small introduction."

He points his finger toward me and says,"You guys may have never seen this guy. Obviously this is the first time for him to come here." Then he looks at Kiba and gives him a nod with a smile on his face. He says,"And all of you should know about Kiba Inuzuka. After joining this club, he has never lost any of these fist fights."

Then he head toward me leaving Kiba. He says coming a bit closer,"And all of his rivals went straight to the hospital with serious fractures even some of them were crippled." The crowd went crazy with that but Sai raises his one hand motioning for them to stop which they obeyed.

Sai says with a smirk on the corner of his lips,"I'm scared about what he might do to this newbie but we never know. I heard he has great physical strength."

I look at Sasuke. His expression remains the same. And about my physical strength, anyone can push someone to make them stumble. I am an average person with no experience about fist fights.

Sai says using his mic raising his voice,"So let's start the fight! Cheer all you want!" The audience is shouting for Kiba and Kiba is smiling as if he's about to break me into pieces. I'm scared.

Sai left that arena leaving two of us here. I was standing like some stone breathing heavily. Kiba shouts saying,"Bring it on!" He starts to come forward yet my mind was messed up. I don't know what to do, how to defeat him.

His muscle is bulky and he's even taller than me. Taking me on will be no hassle for him. He charges toward trying to catch me but I slipped through his hand. He curses before charging again. All I could do was to dodge and run. Kiba is like a animal who can't get a hold of the prey.

I start to shout,"Stop this! I don't want this!" Nobody is paying any attention as their eyes were bright while seeing this cat and mouse game. Then a sudden thought came to my mind. I stopped running and stand still at the spot where I stopped. Seeing it Kiba stoped as well. He looked confused.

I speak up,"I quit. I don't want to fight anymore." The audience goes silent and then they start to mock saying various words. Kiba says mockingly,"What a coward. But I won't let you go like this."

Saying that he runs toward me fisting his hand and throwing a punch that I didn't see coming. I fall on my butt feeling extreme amount of pain. My eyes became blurry with tears forming. Suddenly I see some drops of blood falling on my thighs. Checking it with my hand, I see my nose is bloody and my lips are busted.

Kiba starts to laugh like a maniac while I was trying not to cry out in pain. My anger was toward the guy who took me here, not toward Kiba. To me, Kiba is not a human. So wasting my emotions on him will be pointless. But Sasuke over there is pure evil.

Then Sasuke gets up from the sofa. I see him making his way to here with my blurred vision. I grit my teeth wanting to land a punch hundredth time stronger than this. I was trying to hear his footsteps as I looked away.

Soon he joined us in this arena although the battle is over with Kiba winning with that one punch. I looked up to see Sasuke patting his shoulders saying,"You are stronger than ever." Kiba smiles proudly as if he managed to satisfy his master.

I was so angry that even looking at his face was hard for me. Sasuke noticed it as he looked my way. I averted my gaze immediately. Sasuke makes his way toward me straight. He lowers himself and then observes the cut on my face and those blood.

He says,"He went hard on you, I see." In my mind, I said,"You better shut up." But I shut myself up on the outside. Sasuke lends me his hand and  I look at it strangely. Sasuke says smirking,"Hold onto it before I keep it into my pocket once again."

I get up on my own refusing his helping hand and tell him,"I don't need your help." My knees were hurt too and because of the pain walking is hard as well. I was about to stumble but I ended up crashing against the wall whimpering a little.

I hear Kiba laughing from behind as he says,"What a pussy." Some from the audience joins him. I ignore the commotion as I move forward. Sasuke is following me but not trying to help me after I refused. I don't need it anyway.

I stumbled for the second time and that's when Sasuke speaks. He says,"I am not pleased to see your stubborn ass. I'm lending you my shoulder now." I turn to him and tell,"I don't need it!" Sasuke says rolling his eyes before taking me by force,"Annoying."

I whisper yell,"Let me go!" He replies,"Shut up while I'm being nice." First he pushed me to fight with that mad dog and now he's trying to act as if he's worried. I hate double faced people as him.

He says,"I should take responsibility because of this injury of yours." I tell him despising him,"Why are you trying to act like a saint now? Weren't you the one to send me there?" Sasuke says,"Who would have thought that you got nothing in you to fight back?"

I tell him,"I hate you so much." In response Sasuke just chuckles without anymore words. We both made our way outside together and the others are behind us. Seeing Sasuke coming outside the driver appears out of nowhere.

His eyes went to me first and he had a frown on his face. He looks at Sasuke but Sasuke read something from his expression and says in return,"You don't have to worry. Just open the door." What was that?

I was silent and I don't know what he's doing sitting at the back. I was watching the busy street from here. Then suddenly my eyes went to the front mirror unconsciously. I see his eyes staring at me right through the mirror.

He didn't avert his gaze but kept looking at me. But then the driver suddenly noticed it and he turns the mirror to the other side. I frown. What is wrong with this man?

The car stops right in front of the large school gate. The driver opens the car door for us but I didn't like the way he looked at me. I ignored the middle aged man as I got off of the car.

I start to head back ignoring the dark haired guy behind me. But soon he matches my pace to come beside me. He says,"Going to the infirmary would be the best for you." I narrowed my eyes and ask him,"Why do you care." He said carelessly,"I don't."

The driver came running toward us after some minutes. Sasuke stopped there and looked back. I don't know why but I did the same as well. The driver catches some breath lowering his body a bit putting his hands on his knees.

Sasuke asks with a sound of annoyance mixed in his voice,"What is it?" The driver looks up. He seems terrified for some reason. He says,"You can't go back to school today young master. I was ordered to take you home."

I see the flesh around Sasuke's jaw moving. I can see that he's clenching his jaw. He says,"I have an important class to attend." The driver says as he looks even more scared,"I can't leave you! Master Itachi is waiting." Sasuke's expression changes.

He looks even calmer and he's sweating a bit. He sighs. Sasuke steps forward without saying anymore words. Is his older brother that strict? Could Sasuke Uchiha be scared of someone? I shrugged my shoulders as I head back.

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