Chapter 20

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Naruto's POV

I can't believe the exam is staring from today. It's been months since I'm here. Kakashi is super busy at this point that he only just video called me for like two times and gave some instructions and advises that I could have needed. I'm busy memorising the book like my life depends on it. Getting less than straight A, will put me in a worse position. I will loose scholarship in that way.

I called my parents asking for their blessings. Which son does that in this century? Nobody needs to know that. Taking my backpack, I rush to outside. I'm nervous to the point that my hands are shaking. What if I don't do much as they expect from me? What if I bring shame? What if I don't surpass Kakashi's expectation? I'm scared of so many things. I'm afraid that he'll stop being my tutor.

"Fill up that form that is attached with the papers." The teacher says handing us the papers. Then she says,"Time starts from now. Start writing."

The clock is ticking and I could hear nothing but the sound of the old lady coughing time to time. I look at the question. At first my mind went blank. I could feel my body being cold fearing that I forgot everything. But the questions start to become clearer to me and I knew that I could do that.

"Hand over the answer sheets." The old lady starts to collect the papers after the time was over. My back is sore. I turn my head to find Hinata. She was grinning while looking at her answer sheet. Our eyes got hooked immediately and she raised her eyebrows. But without responding, I turn away. I'm sure everyone did their best.

"The first exam is over." Hinata says letting out a unladylike yawn. I ask her,"How was it?" Hinata answers smilingly,"Better than I thought. Brother Neji was a great help." Hinata looked satisfied, on the other hand my mind was filled with such doubts. I shake my head a little, brainstorming over one exam will do nothing.

One by one, all of the exams were over. I did better than I thought but so did everyone. If I don't place in top 5, there is a chance that my scholarship will be taken away. I'm not the best in here. But I'm not the only person who is here on scholarship. I was told that there was another person who is here on a scholarship just like me. As I asked for that person's name, Kakashi said that name is kept hidden because of that person's request.

The next day

"Dear students, the exam seems to be over. You are having a great time I see." Kakashi says smilingly in front of the sour faces of all of his students. Nobody here is taking a liking to him. Kakashi says,"So the thing that is left before going to the next level of our study course is the arrangement of the trip." The class starts to be filled with chatter soon.

Kakashi says,"The place has been decided and I'm very much sure that the selected place won't be some place you'll dislike." In front of all the curious faces, Kakashi is trying to keep them in a bit suspense. Kakashi rubs both of his palms together showing a bit of excitement. He says,"We are going to ****!"

I gasped. That country is far from this land. No doubt, that the fees will be much more than Kakashi said that day. I'm not going to deny that I have a fantasy about going there. That land is famous around the whole world for having big mountains and forests, sea, snowfalls, rivers, everything. Kakashi says,"However the amount remains the same. The director of the board has cut the expense short because he's helping!" Everyone is so excited that I could tell just by seeing their faces. The anger they held toward the council a few days ago is now gone.

I got out of the room keeping my head low. I can't bear to see their faces. Their excitement and chatter is making me more curious, making me want to tag along. But I can't possibly ask my father for more money. I feel so low and poor that I'm cursing my fate at this point. I don't hold any grudge against my parents for not being elite. My parents do the best for me. But I can't just hide the fact that I really want to join them to the trip. Only if I had enough money.

I'm sitting in the library, reading some journal I picked from the bookshelf. The book was written by a famous traveller about his adventurous journey. The person seems to have no family but a huge amount of money as a inheritance from his late father. The person surely has a weird pen name.

As usual, my stomach starts to growl. I look at my wrist watch, it's the usual time for my evening snack. As usual I found the cafeteria empty. I make my way to the counter. I don't know why but I was craving for a bowl of ramen. I couldn't help but ask,"Could I have one bowl of ramen?" The man behind the counter frowns as if I said something unbelievable. He says,"No we don't make something like that in here."

Then another rough voice echoes through the kitchen behind the counter,"What is it that I don't make?" A short man comes outside. He looks pissed with his gray eyebrows furrowing. The man behind the counter says,"He's asking for ramen." Then the short man turns to take a good look at my face. He says,"You are the first one here to ask for such food as ramen." Why? Do the elite people not like street foods like ramen?

He says keeping that frown on his face,"I'll make it for you however." I raise my eyebrows. Seeing the sheepish grin on my face, he says,"It is because nobody is here at this moment." Saying that he goes back into the kitchen slamming the door shut. The man behind the counter says chuckling,"I'm sure you made him remember his grandson."

After he kept me waiting for half hour, I was served with a big bowl of ramen which is warm. The smell has made my hunger double. I took a mental note that I'll leave after thanking that old man. As I take the noodles into my mouth, I was so close to have tears in my eyes. "We were so long apart, the love of my life" I said to bowl of ramen mentally.

"You are here again?" That voice that I liked very much. I turn around to see Itachi Uchiha standing right behind me. How come I'm seeing him these much nowadays? I ignored him as I turn back to the food that was given to me. He didn't ask for my permission to sit beside me like that day. I don't really have any will to talk to anyone. I'm in a foul mood today.

"Long time no see." He says trying to make amends with me. The only response he got was the slurping sound of me mine while eating ramen. He says,"Seems like my friend here isn't in a good mood today." Then I tell him as a response,"Yes and that's why you should keep that mouth of yours shut." Itachi looked rather amused.

Itachi says,"You are quite scary." I tell him,"I know." Itachi chuckles with that deep voice of his. How come I'm attracted to his voice that much? There is something in him that piqued  my interest. He asks,"So what is the reason for your foul mood today?" I tell him,"That's none of your business." Then he sees me finishing the bowl in an instant. He asks me,"What was it that you were eating?" I reply to him,"It was ramen." Itachi says,"Seems like you like this very much. How about you tell me about the reason for your bad day and I'll treat you with as much ramen as you want?"

I look at him wondering what is in his head? I ask him,"Can you really do that? They don't really make ramen in here. This was an exception." Itachi says,"They are bound to obey my order. So tell me what happened." I lost against my greed. I ended up telling him everything. It's not like I'll loose anything if I tell him about it a bit. Instead, I feel relieved.

Itachi says,"So it's about the trip. That's really sad." I scoffed,"I know! Don't pity me." Itachi says chuckling,"I do not pity anyone, trust me." I sigh. Then he says in a whispering tone,"But I can give you money for that. Easy solution." I frowned at him and asked him,"Why would you do that for me?" Itachi says shrugging his shoulders,"No reason."

I feel pissed at this point. They are acting like money is nothing for them. I know how my father struggles to earn this much in one month. I hate to see people acting so high mighty and spoiled. I get up from the chair and tell him,"I don't need you to give me money or buy me ramen. I'll get going."

But before I could go, I was stopped by his strong hold. His hand is holding me by my wrist. He says,"Listen to me. You don't have to take it for free." I turn my head to see his cold face. I ask him,"Then what?" Itachi says,"Just inform me about Sasuke every time you hear something about him. I'm not telling you to keep an eye on him or spy on him. Just brief me about all rumours and things he does around the school. I'm assuring you that he won't harm you if you keep in touch with me."

Itachi looks at my confused expression. He says,"You don't have to give me an answer now. Think about it. And one more thing." I ask him,"What is it?" He says,"Keep me company sometimes." Saying that he sends me flirty wink that caused my stomach to feel weird. These two brothers are confusing the hell out of me.

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