Chapter 34

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It was the end of the trip. All of them had the same expression plastered on their faces, sadness. It wasn't only because of the ending of the trip, they could afford to go to a few more trips like that, it was because of what was about to come after. The result of the examination...

I was sitting beside a complete stranger. That girl wasn't happy to sit beside me for some reason, maybe she got separated from her friend group. Who cared? But when I turned to the other side, I saw a pair of girls and boys waving their hands towards me. My eyes grew wide. Did I know them? I also made the same gesture although. Then I realized, they were from that time when a group of students surrounded me to complain about the student council.

After a few hours, we were back to the old dorm rooms, in the old school, the same school which was built for the elites. I was the black sheep among them. My body felt heavy and my lids felt the same room. My mind wasn't to myself as it was roaming around. I felt betrayed inside. I felt rage. Every kind of emotion I felt couldn't be called good.

I had to go back to the same classes, friendless, lonely. Sometimes I regretted entering the school. I could had graduated from any other school but I had to be extra ordinary. So then I entered the den of wolves. The school looked so different from outside, it was like a palace, something a commoner couldn't dream of but once I set foot inside, I realized, this place belonged to the elites of elites.

The next day although I thought I would be staring at the walls of the classroom dazed with nobody around me, I was wrong. I found myself surrounded by a group. All of them knew me. And I wasn't totally alone‌, Lee was beside me as I couldn't handle the overwhelming feeling. He chatted and I just nodded without listening or understanding.

"I never knew someone could enter with a scholarship. How come I've never seen you?"
"Is your hair naturally blond? Are you a foreigner?"
Every type of comments was being thrown. None of them was bad.
One of them was Deidara, who would often smile mischievously and touch my hair.

"Hey, you look so much like me." He said. Lee responded,"It's just your hair color. Ohh your eyes are blue too." I chuckled as Deidara was adamant about making Lee believe that he and I looked alike. I didn't mind his nonsense as I only nodded with anything he said. Lee whispered as Deidara averted his attention finally,"His father runs an empire. Not from this country."

I whispered back,"Then why is he here?" "He is a bit...crazy in his head." I gasped. When Deidara turned around, Lee smiled as if he didn't comment on him being crazy. "What type of girls are you into?" The question was so random that I couldn't answer immediately. "I haven't thought much about that." Deidara said,"How can you not!? Are you not a guy?" Lee says sternly,"That's offensive, Deidara..."

Deidara rolled his eyes. He said,"We are all friends here. What's so offensive about it?" Friends? I liked the sound of it. I decided to answer,"Uhmm... someone like her?" My eyes landed on a girl sitting farther away. She was slender, her skin was super pale and her long dark hair reached her thin waist. "Hey that's an Uchiha." Lee said. "What?! Sasuke's sister?" I gasped. Lee rolled his eyes. "No. Their clan is big. She is a distant relative. Yui Uchiha." Deidara joked,"Dude you know everyone." Lee mumbled,"At least I know every Uchiha.."

Why did I point to her? She was indeed beautiful. "I don't blame you. Uchihas are supposed to be gorgeous." Lee said in his monotonous voice. His eyes looked dead as he said so. He despised them. "Don't you think Hyugas are creepy?" Deidara asked blatantly. "Are you eager to die?" Lee said giggling. "Well. They can kill me in my sleep. Imagine waking up in the middle of the night and find a Hyuga staring at you with those eyes of theirs. I would die out of heart attack." I couldn't help but laugh although it really was offensive. "Hey that's a bad thing to say." I said.

"Really? Look, I have a weird experience with that council member, Neji Hyuga. I used to be in the basketball team back then. I was heading towards the goal post and was about to goal but out of nowhere Neji appeared like a ghost. Trust me, he was really out of my vision, I couldn't even sense him!" Deidara shared his experience. Although they were bickering, my head couldn't be wrapped around that one matter. Did I really find that girl attractive? Or maybe it was because she was an Uchiha. Not because she was an Uchiha, it was because she resembled one person. My eyes widen even more. It couldn't be it. I was in deep trouble.

"Because of that tall bastard, I lost." "No cussing." The whole time I listened and I myself didn't have to try hard to be included in the discussion as Deidara and Lee constantly dragged me into the topic. Was i finally into a group? Was it called improvement. It didn't matter how rich they were, what their social rank was or how much power they held, nothing mattered. Friendship is a word, ordinary. The only requirement needed to be a friend was to have a bond, nothing else. Naruto didn't know if they reached that point but he was happy.

Suddenly the classroom became quiet, when their attention was averted, they noticed some faces with solemn and cold expression. "I want you to take your seats and be calm. We have an announcement to make." The calm and collected guy, the brain of the group spoke. "How come he does all the work for the president?" Deidara dared to speak although it was a whisper when everyone was tight lipped. The voice belonged to Shikamaru who was being accompanied by the president himself and Kiba as his pet.

Shikamaru cleared his throat as his eyes fell on the blond who wasn't me but the chattering guy beside him. My eyes hooked with the dark ones. His gaze was cold like ice that reminded me of his first day, the day of the introduction, the day of the welcome party. As if everything that happened in the middle was long forgotten. It left a sense of dread, fear and disappointment in my heart. Something was wrong, wrong with me.

"We need an extra person for our council. The requirements to be selected as one of us, is here." The class president was told to pass the leaflet. Once the piece of paper was handed to me, my eyes met with the light ones of Hinata. Hinata smiled weakly and got nervous noticing that the usual empty seats around mine wasn't empty anymore. Deidara and Lee both were by my sides. She proceeded to hand it over to the next person.

My gaze fell on the small letters on the paper. The requirements seemed to be snobbish like them.

1. Academic result needs to be above average.
2. Has to be good with words and has to be fluent in at least three languages.
3. Has to be well-spoken and good with words.
4. Has to be from an influential family.

The last line made me scoff, it couldn't be one of the requirements. Not just me, I heard two more persons mimicking my reaction. Deidara and Lee. Although Lee didn't completely fit the criteria, Deidara did. Just like Lee described, his way of thinking wasn't the same as others although he belonged to the elite class.

Then another line which was printed boldly caught my attention.
∆The alternative way to be selected.
>The person needs be elected by the fellow students, voting system is required under the supervision of at least one council member.

A few of them gasped but didn't dare to speak in their presence. "If there is anymore question, visit the website of the school. The information is displayed there. We will leave it up to you." My eyes once again shifted to the ice prince standing behind Shikamaru and I found him staring at me every time. I didn't understand him nor I could read him. He was unpredictable which reminded me of a snake. As if he was coiling around my body, squeezing me not leaving any space. His body cold , his eyes which had the power to make me freeze.

The announcement itself was a start of something new. My life was about to take a turn. As if a revolution was about to start.

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