Chapter 4b

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While Harvey continued working with Mike after breakfast and the physical therapy session, Elizabeth was back at Harvey's apartment to continue working and settling in herself. It wasn't until the afternoon after Donna's doctor's appointment that Elizabeth returned to Harvey's ward. The chemotherapy was ongoing and apart from tiredness and loss of appetite, there was hardly anything to be noticed. As soon as Elizabeth entered the room, she noticed the second bed, which was some distance away from Harvey's bed.

Well, did you invite someone for tonight? asked Elizabeth, feeling something like jealousy for the first time. She was always sure of him, no matter what he had been doing for the past year, no matter where he was, no matter where she was. She wasn't worried about any other women because she was happy when he was with her. He was always there for her whenever she asked or needed him. Maybe it was the pregnancy hormones that made her feel this way, or the closeness that she couldn't take well. She felt so weak. How closer they got so much harder the distance was to bear, so much harder his loss would be to bear. He was the father of her unborn child. He was the man of her life, nobody would come after him.

Not yet, he smiled wearily at her. Harvey noticed that she was sadly lost in thought and put his arms around her. Elizabeth could smell his aftershave, his heart was beating so calmly in his chest, her knees went weak and tears welled in her eyes. She got dizzy. Harvey gently stroked her head and held her tight, sensing how weak she was becoming.

What's happened? he asked softly.

It's okay, said Elizabeth with her eyes closed.

Let's put the beds together, then you can rest. I don't want you to be home alone tonight. Harvey gently kissed her head. So they stayed for a while. Elizabeth found her inner strength again, which Harvey also noticed. It had been so long since he had seen her so weak.


The clock showed 11pm when Elizabeth awoke in Harvey's hospital room. Everything was quiet, the lights were dimmed. The bed next to her was empty. But Harvey was nowhere to be found in the rest of the room either. She felt that nothing bad had happened, but still she wanted to know where he was. She pulled a long, dark blue hooded cardigan over her white top, slipped into her ballet flats and slowly opened the door after she had loosely pinned her hair up. The hallway was deserted and it was so quiet. Elizabeth walked slowly towards the nurses' counter. There was a light there and soft music was playing, but there was no nurse to be seen. So she continued down the hallway. You couldn't hear her footsteps on the carpet. At the end of the hall she turned around first, because there she met Nurse Nancy, who came from room 2.

Good evening, Ms Specter, said Nancy, smiling.

Good evening, said Elizabeth, you know I'm not married to him.

I know, Nancy said as they walked back down the hall towards Harvey's room, how are you?

According to the circumstances well. But not her patient, she will die soon. said Elizabeth almost casually. Nancy was puzzled and Elizabeth got a kick from the inside. Apparently her little one could feel things like that too.

How do you know? Do you know my patient?

No, I don't know her, but I just know. Her family should come by today.

Nancy looked at her sideways: They will. They are here every day.

Fine. Are you always alone here at night?

No, there's another nurse across the hall and the ICU is below us in case we need extra help. But we can also treat and isolate sicker patients here. It came out of Nancy's mouth like a justification. You must have heard questions like this quite often. Nancy looked into each room while Elizabeth waited outside. She was in no hurry to find Harvey as she sensed he was fine.

You have it really nice here, so bright and quiet. Thanks for the extra bed, Elizabeth said as they passed Harvey's room. You probably have it often that relatives want to sleep here.

Unfortunately not. I would wish that, but there is hardly anyone who stays at night. You are one of the few exceptions. I think that the patients should stay in their familiar surroundings with the therapy and if that is not possible at home then the familiar people should move in here. For most relationships, distance and uncertainty are harder than this closeness, even if they don't believe it. Patients need love and closeness in tough times and I can never give them enough if I want to stay professional.

Many adult patients, especially men, do not want to appear weak to their partners or relatives, they do not want to show themselves vulnerable. Then they prefer to stay in their own little world, their room. But this week is different, Nancy said mysteriously. Both turned at the end of the hallway towards the second half of the hallway and they could already see light through a large glass front that separates a room from the hallway. There was a sofa corner with a bookshelf, a large television, a water dispenser and a medium-sized round table. They stood quietly against the wall in the semi-dark hallway. In this cozy looking lounge Harvey and Walther sat at the table and played cards.

The two seem to have found each other, Nancy said, looking around the room with a smile. Would you like some tea too? I'm about to make one for my first short break.

With pleasure. Nancy disappeared in the direction of the nurses' kitchen and Elizabeth remained standing in the half-dark while she watched the two. How they treated each other. Respectful as businessmen are. After Nancy returned with the tea, they both quietly entered the lounge.

Can women play too? Elizabeth asked with a wink.

Yes, of course, both replied. But nurse Nancy and Elizabeth both looked at each other and knew it was time for both of them to go.

Ok, but not until tomorrow, Elizabeth then said, we want fair conditions.

See you tomorrow then, said Harvey. He needed help from Elizabeth to get up. He felt dizzy when he got up. He was so uncoordinated that he reached next to the IV pole but managed to lean on Elizabeth for support. He slowly hobbled back to his room, to his bed.

The next few hours were harder than the night before. The pain and nausea had overtaken him. He kept falling asleep for a few minutes, only to wake up in pain. He didn't talk, he was sweaty and in agony. Elizabeth tried to make him as comfortable as possible and for a few minutes it helped. Only in the early hours of the morning did Harvey calm down, so that Elizabeth fell asleep too. But she got up again just in time for the end of the night shift and had already freshened up.


It was 9am when Mike entered the room.

Hi, how is he? asked Mike softly.

Hi Mike, the night was not good. He had only been up briefly since midnight. said Elizabeth, sitting on the sofa reading a book. Since the early hours of the morning he is going better from the pain and nausea. Let him sleep, he can't work today.

How do you know? replied Mike in astonishment.

I just know, he can't let it go and being distracted by you is good for him. she smiled tiredly at him. Go back to the office, I'm sure Jessica needs your help.

No, Take a break, I'll stay here and take care of him. I can work from here. I have only an appointment in court this afternoon. said Mike eagerly.


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