ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ⁵¹

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The town they're in isn't actually a real one in the game, I made it up so don't get confused. It's just for the sake of the plot. Anyhoodles, enjoy reading!


I groggily rolled over onto my back as I began to wake. I opened my eyes to see ceiling and rolled my head to the side to gaze at Arataki who was still asleep and had a Ushi sleeping on top of him.

'I can let him sleep in.' I thought as I sat upright, stretching with a yawn. I got up and dragged my feet to the bathroom to start my morning routine and got dressed in my everyday clothes.

I looked down at my knee that had healed completely. I almost forgot about it, actually. All that remained was a scar. I was reminded of that conversation Arataki and I had and smiled softly.

When I was done, I entered the room and he was still asleep. "Hmph." I looked down to see Ushi looking up at me. "Good morning, Ushi." I smiled and he huffed again, presumably saying it back.

Arataki slept with his limbs spread out like a starfish and his mouth hung wide open, drool slipping down the side of his mouth. The blanket only covered his legs, leaving the top half of him exposed to the morning cold.

I shook my head and smiled as I approached him. I pulled the blanket up to his chin, though his arms were still exposed. "I tried."

Hungry, I picked up the bag and placed it on my bed as I sifted through it for the meat buns we never got to eating, and took one out to have for breakfast.

"Morning." I nearly had a stroke when I heard Arataki's voice say. He was sitting upright, watching the bun in my hand with great interest.
"Archons, I thought you were asleep?!"
"I was but now I'm starving. Is there another one?" He asked eagerly, not paying attention to the fact he scared the crap out of me.

'His ears are sensitive to food, just like a dog!'

"How'd you sleep?"
He asked as he undid the packaging.
'I was up all night thinking about you.'
"Meh. You?" He took a large bite and gave me a thumbs up. I finished mine as he got up to do his own morning routine, the bun still in his mouth.

He entered the bathroom and left me to eat my breakfast. I zoned out as I stared at his coat which laid on his bed, ready to be worn by the oni. I absentmindedly took another bite and my thoughts were suddenly clouded with memories of yesterday.

"Hands off."
  His warning tone rung in my head.
"Stay away, you freak!"
  My hand tightened around the bun, threatening to squeeze the paste out from it's pastry prison. 'Itto's not a freak.' I angrily thought. Great, now I was getting worked up.

'Figure out how to get rid of these feelings... Or how to pursue them.'

I nearly choked and my eyes darted towards the bathroom where I could hear obnoxious humming and running water. Luckily, he didn't hear, but Ushi was looking at me with concern.

"Why think about that now..." I grumbled and dragged my free hand over my face that was heating up fOr sOmE rEaSon. I knew the reason. I just didn't want to acknowledge it. I think.

*        *        *

There was still a lot of time before sundown. I had no idea what to do in the meanwhile so I was just laying on my bed, waiting for the time to go by.

"What're we doing today?" Arataki plopped down beside me on the bed. I exhaled slowly and then answered, "I don't know." He frowned, hoping I had an idea.

𝕃𝕖𝕥'𝕤 𝕊𝕖𝕒 (FEM! Reader X Arataki Itto)Where stories live. Discover now